Honoring the dead with music and dance

At the heart of the traditional Dia de los Muertos celebration is the ofrenda, an offering made to welcome the deceased back to their loved ones. The ofrenda usually consists of an altar, or offering table, decorated with photos of the deceased as well as many of the foods and items they enjoyed in life.

As part of Corpus Christi’s many different celebrations and events held to commemorate Dia de los Muertos this year, the environmental advocacy organization known as CHISPA, meaning “Spark” in Spanish, hosted an ofrenda at the climate justice community center on Ayers Street. Members of the community were invited to bring photos and offerings for the ofrenda.

Entertainment for the event was provided by Mariachi Aguila de Corpus Christi led by Humberto “Chino” Salinas, a singer with more than 50 years of experience.

Kalpuilli Ehekatl Papalotzin, an indigenous Mexica dance group, concluded the event with a demonstration prayer ceremony, referred to as a danza.

The group’s name means “Venerable Butterfly of the Wind” in Nahuatl, an indigenous language of Central Mexico.

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