Films tie into class lessons

While movies traditionally are meant to entertain, some Del Mar College professors are also focusing on their education value. The Del Mar College Curricular Encrichment Film Series is a program designed for students to better comprehend what they learn in class by watching a movie about it. Developed in 2000, the series consists of Hollywood releases and documentaries all selected to complement material being discussed in the classroom. Merry Bortz, professor of Learning Resources at the White Library, coordinates and schedules the movies. “Films can open one’s mind to new ideas and experiences,” Bortz said. The films are selected by…

DMC encourages steps towards fitness

Del Mar College has started its 100 Mile and Steps Fitness challenges to encourage students and faculty to get out and take part in a healthy and active lifestyle. The challenges require participants to accomplish fitness milestones that they will then record into an official log sheet. Kristy Urbick, intramural director and a kinesiology instructor at Del Mar, said the 100 Mile Challenge has been going on at DMC for over 25 years, but last year she decided to add in a Steps Fitness Challenge, too. “Last year I added the Fitness Challenge to allow more students to participate. They…