
Lola Ponce | Lponce@foghornnews.com
Lola is a Digital Media and Journalism Major who has been with the Foghorn staff since Spring 2023. She previously held the position of Associate Editor.
She has previously worked at Extreme Sports Magazine, a publication based out of the valley, however she primarily covered assignments in Austin, Texas.
As Editor-In-Chief, Lola oversees assigning stories to reporters and photographers, editing and reviewing the Foghorn Newspaper prior to its publication.
In her spare time…what spare time?
Managing Editor

Paul Farias | pfarias@foghornnews.com
Paul is a Journalism student who has been on the Foghorn’s staff since Fall of 2023, previously serving as the publication’s Sports Editor.
This is his second semester serving as the Managing Editor.
Asa recent convert to the stage, Paul has taken an interest in covering both music and theater. If he’s not writing stories, you’ll probably find him in a theater somewhere.
News Editor

Andrew-Pól Clements | aclements@foghornnews.com
Andrew-Pól Clements is a Network Administration Major who previously graduated with an Associates degree in Journalism in December 2023. He has worked on the publication in many capacities, he has held the position of Web Editor and Editor-In-Chief before undertaking the role of News Editor this semester.
As a reporter, he covers the Center for Mexican American Studies and Physical Facilities, fueled by an interest in the cultures of his hometown, a love of history, and high-functioning imposter syndrome.
Andrew-Pól has a black cat named Dubh, and a Tabby named Katrick (Kat for short)
Associate Editor

Bill Eaves| beaves@foghornnews.com
Bill Eaves is a local comedian, and has been with Foghorn News as a General Reporter for the past two years. This Fall semester he takes on the role of Associate Editor.
As Associate Editor he assists with the production and design of the newspaper, as well as managing coverage for feature stories.
Online Editor – Social Media

Haylie Godoy | hgodoy@foghornnews.com
Haylie is a Public Relations/Advertising major who joined Foghorn News in the Spring 2024 semester as a general reporter. As of Fall 2024 she serves as the publication’s Online Editor, primarily specializing in online engagement across social media platforms.
Associate Online Editor

Evie Lopez | elopez@foghornnews.com
Evie is a digital media student who started with the Foghorn as a contributor in Spring 2024. As of the beginning of the fall semester she has been serving as the Associate Online Editor.
Fun Fact: she loves to collect penny press coins from all over Texas!

Ricky Syrre | rsyrre@foghornnews.com
Ricky is the publications illustrator, he creates art for our editorials, opinion pieces, and feature stories. This is his first semester with the Foghorn Newspaper.

Val Cantu | vcantu@foghornnews.com
Val does the publications Valdar cartoons for the comics section of our paper. This is his first semester with the Foghorn Newspaper.
Photo Editor

Edward Green | egreen@foghornnews.com
Edward Green is an Electrical Engineering major and photographer who has previously contributed to the publication as a writer and photographer.
This is his first year with an official position with Foghorn News. He steps into this role with a passion for photography, and he often is seen around campus capturing the essence of Del Mar College.