Back in the game: First impression of ‘Deadlock’ beta

Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a gamer. Like most of you (I hope), I give up my favorite pastime during the semester, as I know that I will half-ass any and every responsibility in my life to chase the dopamine high that comes along with digital victory. In between assignments these days I find myself wishing I had time to return to my Philadelphia Flyers black and orange gaming chair, boot up my PC tower and feel the headphones hug my giant ears, the sweet melody of my clan yapping over each other in Discord,…

‘Battlefield 1’ beta promising for upcoming official release

The “Battlefield 1” beta recently went live for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and also the PC, with the full game to be released on Oct. 21. When I heard the beta was due to be released in August of this year I was both surprised and excited to see how the early build was going to look and play out. When I first played the conquest mode it did feel like previous titles. It’s gritty combat was tight and fierce while the weapons felt new and took some getting used to. The mechanics are much different from “Battlefield Hardline” and…