Searching for a place to study for finals

Brittany Claramunt


Whether at home or on campus, students are likely searching for a comfy, quiet place to study for finals.

Del Mar College is a nontraditional school so it caters to students in a variety of situations. For Tabitha Claypool, a nursing major, a quiet place is hard to come by when trying to manage a full house.

“I have four kids so I can put them to bed then I can go study in my bedroom,” Claypool said.

Other students face a similar situation with kids but find peace and quiet on campus.

“I have a son at home so he can be little bit crazy, so I go to the library, like on the second floor, in the study rooms because it can be for you and a small group,” Kendrick said.

The library is a hot spot for students during finals week. It is quiet and free from distractions especially if a view is available to feel comfortable.

“I like the Stone Writing Center. I like to sit at a table that looks out the window so I feel comfortable. I can also have a access to a computer at any time,” said Darrin Allen, an occupational therapy major.

Where ever students choose to study there are a variety of places on campus that are quiet, comfortable and have a view. And with the weather nice lately, lots of people have been seen studying outside.

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