Concerns about the age of upcoming POTUS

Let’s be honest, it’s no secret that the November 2024 election is going to be one of the craziest yet. Not only because the election will likely be the same Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump political showdown as its predecessor in 2020, but also because both candidates will be another four years older.  A substantial milestone compared to 2020 as Trump is 77 years old and Biden is 81 years old. Yet with our current President Biden going down in history as the oldest elected so far, one has to begin to wonder if these candidates really represent the best…

On-campus security should be improved

Just recently a 22-year-old nursing student was killed on the University of Georgia campus while she was out jogging. Police investigating this crime used security camera footage and physical evidence to find the suspect. College and university campuses are not unaccustomed to crimes. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the most common offenses on campuses in 2021 included burglary, rape, motor vehicle theft, fondling and aggravated assault. Most college campuses have security officers or police departments on campus, but these individuals are focused more on crimes involving drug and alcohol violations, rather than the violent crimes that occur. A…

Financial education should be taught in schools

Let’s face it, financial education is the last thing anyone thinks about as a priority on the long list of requirements for school. In high school, students might learn Pythagorean theorem, how to analyze a reading passage, or of course that the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, all before learning something as basic as writing out a check. A seemingly simple task confuses most students fresh out of high school. One huge current question being pressed upon America’s education system is why don’t schools teach more about taxes; with its main counterargument being the fact that tax amounts…

Erasing the nation’s history is affecting education

In 2020, the quietly uttered phrase “I can’t breathe,” was heard echoed around the world. Words whispered from the faint lips of George Floyd, moments before his death, as he lie on the ground with a knee on his neck. As a direct result of this, protests were organized across the nation, but what else resulted from Floyd’s death? According to a survey done by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Floyd’s murder unleashed a monumental movement across the United States as a total of 94 confederate monuments were removed. A rapid increase from the four removals that occurred the year…

Teacher salaries affect student education

While tuition costs are rising, professors’ salaries are lowering. Colleges and Universities do this by using adjuncts to teach more and more courses. At Del Mar College, for the 2022-23 academic year, out of 707 professors, 389 of them taught adjunctly, or part time. This number is more than half of the whole professor population at DMC. Now, while the majority of DMC staff consist of adjunct members, they certainly don’t receive the treatment to reflect this. In fact, they hardly receive any. Adjunct staff members receive no benefits, are severely underpaid, have less job security, and usually have reduced…