Staff Editorial
The S.G.A. is one of the most powerful organizations on campus. Do you know what they do? Do you know who they are? Do you know they can affect changes that would have direct consequences for you? How is it that you do not even know that other students have that kind of power over you? With its muddled past, some long-time students have strong opinions about the S.G.A. Who is the S.G.A.?
So you are running late and it is a test day, you parked almost on S.P.I.D. and you left your pencil and forgot to pick up a Scantron. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO? Well you can mosey on over to Student Leadership and Campus Life Office on the first floor of the Harvin Center. There you will find the friendly folks of the SGA, the Student Government Association, a group made up of students from Del Mar College. They are here to help students with just about anything they might need. Blue Books, pencils, notebook paper, and directions to any building or class can be found by simply stopping by the office. Most incoming freshman find it a bit intimidating when looking for help, but the S.G.A. can help answer questions about where to get help with writing papers, those pesky algebra problems, and even where to go for career planning. Now the S.G.A. wants to get the Collegiate High School to become involved as well.
This organization is a club made up of students who have a desire to help make the college experience a kindlier and gentler one. Vice President Jaclean Y. Harris is current acting president and wants all students to know that she and the S.G.A. are here to help. Harris added “I do it from the heart, I want to help those who need it.” The group opened the semester by welcoming students and providing them with bottled water, snack bars, and maps of our newly altered campus. Spirit t-shirts and other freebies were handed out as well.
With the semester under way we will soon be bombarded by people wanting us to join clubs. Clubs are an important part of college, they enable us to socialize with like-minded individuals, gain contacts that can be carried beyond college years, and help out those that are not so fortunate. Through community service, Del Mar clubs reach out and help the people in our city, and this can go a long way to instill pride in young students who might have never known how easy it is to get involved in the community.
This semester, Harris and her fellow S.G.A. members have many projects in the works. With elections in mid-October, the S.G.A. want to invite every student enrolled at Del Mar to participate in voting for the school’s student government. With monthly meetings the club wants to stay in touch with what is happening on campus. Fall 2011 witnessed the DMC S.G.A. volunteering at both fall and spring graduation commencements. The group also lent a hand at the Bernie’s Crab Boil, which raises money for scholarships at Del Mar. They attended their conference in Austin and have had two members elected at the state level as secretary and vice-president. The group was awarded Most Improved Group and Harris was selected as a member of the Awards Committee.
This semester the group needs to fill the president’s vacancy but all other officers have returned. In spite of the past president moving on in their educational career, the S.G.A. continues to move forward as well. Who is the S.G.A? Besides looking out for your best interests, they are students just like you and me, and they could definitely use a hand improving our school.