Board of Regents candidates share thoughts

Three seats on the Del Mar College Board of Regents are included on the Nov. 8 ballot. The five individuals listed on this page are running for election.

The Foghorn reached out to each candidate via email to ask them what they view as the most important issues and why voters should choose them. We asked candidates to keep their answers to 150 words or less for each question.

Candidates for the Board of Regents are elected to six-year terms and have no limits on the number of terms they can serve.

The Del Mar College District includes Calallen, Corpus Christi, Flour Bluff, Tuloso-Midway and West Oso school districts.



Ed Bennett

What is your occupation?

Certified Public Accountant

What do you see as the top priorities for Del Mar College?

  • Restore academic excellence
  • Increase professor pay
  • Fully utilize the current campuses
  • Increase enrollment by making the degrees more valuable
  • Increase transparency
  • Reduce taxes by approving a balanced budget

Why should voters choose you?

My education is in business administration, my experience as a C.P.A. includes an expertise in internal controls as well as preparing and analyzing financial statements. My concerns about the lack of internal controls and the resulting materially erroneous budgets combined with the decision not to provide raises to employees while the college was generating tens of millions of dollars in profit represents one area we differ.

I have watched during the last several years as the Board focused on expanding physical facilities while the enrollment has declined. I strongly believe that the goal of any community college starts with the students. To attract more students and provide superior educational opportunities, we need to pay our professors fairly. We need to strongly adhere to shared governance with them while promoting academic freedom. Realizing that the local high schools are paying more than Del Mar for instructors is concerning.

 Anything else you would like voters to know about you?

I do not support Del Mar’s plan for south side expansion. The historical decline in for-credit enrollment combined with the increase in dual credit high school students indicate a need to focus on the campuses we currently have. The student contact hours have declined by 860,000 from 2011 to 2015.

The bond approved two years ago to repair the current campuses and construct new buildings will provide enough physical classroom space to accommodate growth for many years.


Susan Hutchinson

What is your occupation?

I am an attorney specializing in estate planning and probate law. I have practiced in Corpus Christi for 38 years.

What do you see as the top priorities for Del Mar College?

Del Mar College’s priorities should be those set forth in our Mission Statement: “…. to provide access to quality education, workforce preparation, and lifelong learning for student and community success.”  With credit enrollment and non-credit enrollment increasing significantly, we need to be prepared to give each student an opportunity to succeed and to give our community a more educated population.  I believe this includes the development of an additional campus on the south side of Corpus Christi. 

Why should voters choose you?

I have served on the Board of Regent since 2009, including serving as Vice-Chair of the Board.  I hope that my being unopposed in this race is an acknowledgement that I am dedicated to the continued success of Del Mar College as an important part of this community. 

Anything else you would like voters to know about you?

The Board of Regents, the Administration, and the faculty work tirelessly and selflessly for the College.  Corpus Christi is fortunate to have the treasure that is Del Mar College.


Trey McCampbell

What is your occupation?

I am Chief Administrative Office for American Bank, where I have worked for over 26 years.  I have a background in accounting and financial services, as well as management at all levels within an organization. I have a deep background in community leadership roles, including group facilitation.

What do you see as the top priorities for Del Mar College?

Our priorities are always about supporting the mission of Del Mar College – providing access to quality education, workforce preparation, and lifelong learning for student and community success. As a Board, we are focused on student success and financial stability of the College.  We are also focused on ensuring that the College meets the State of Texas 60×30 plan goals, which is that by 2030 at least 60% of adults age 25-34 will have a certificate or degree. 

Why should voters choose you?

I have served as a Regent for two terms. We have a strong Board of Regents, each who brings their unique perspective and skill set. I bring to the Board of Regents 35+ years of business experience as a former auditor, manager of an accounting department, and financial services industry.  Currently I am the only person on the board with that depth of business acumen.  I am thankful that our Board has elected me 3 times to serve as Chair of the Board, and believe that my leadership skills have contributed to the success of the Board in supporting the mission of the College. 

Anything else you would like voters to know about you?

I can truly say that I would not have a college education if it had not been for Del Mar College. As a product of all local schools, I depended upon the access to education that DMC provided me as I could not afford to leave our community to go to college. I am passionate about the role education has in raising the standard of living for our citizens, and meeting the needs of the local workforce. I look forward to the day when my new grandson will attend Del Mar College, just like his great grandmother, grandfather and father!

Laurie Turner

What is your occupation?

Educator for the last 12 years.

What do you see as the top priorities for Del Mar College?

Providing continual quality education for our diverse student population. Providing technical certifications for our students, aligning our current programs with the community’s workforce needs. Providing necessary funding for current educational programs strengthening their effectiveness and efficiencies.

Why should voters choose you?

Citizens should vote for me because I am an educator with experience in program development, curriculum building, assessments and evaluation. I am in the trenches. I understand the needs of students, teachers and administrators.

Anything else you would like voters to know about you?

I hold a doctorate in Education Leadership and Research with a specialty in education policy. I currently sit on the state Board of Educator Certification.


Jim Boggs

Jim Boggs did not return his questionnaire by press time. Instead, we used his bio posted on

  • Elected in 2006 to fill vacated DMC Board position
  • Architect, City of Corpus Christi Department of Engineering Services
  • Coastal Bend Regional Park Foundation Founding member
  • Texas Ranching Heritage and Horse Park Association Founding Board member
  • The Arts Council of Corpus Christi Past President
  • Texas Tech University College of Architecture Alumni Association, which established the “Fund For Excellence” and the “Distinguished Alumni” Awards and 27 Scholarship funds.
  • During his chairmanship the College of Architecture at Texas Tech University was established, separate from the School of Engineering
  • Municipal Arts Commission Past Chair
  • Corpus Christi Library Board Past Vice Chair
  • American Institute of Architects
  • Texas Society of Architects
  • Cross-town Kiwanis Club Distinguished/Founding President
  • Kiwanis International Division 4, Distinguished Former Lt. Governor
  • Leadership Corpus Christi, Graduate of Class 1; active in LCC Alumni Association
  • Community service and board memberships include Boy Scouts of America, Corpus Christi Emmaus Community and the Bucarader Organization (Buccaneer Commission), Corpus Christi First United Methodist Church
  • BoldFuture Vision Action team member for Community Identity and Leadership

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