HALO-Flight gives safety lesson to DMC students


Michelle Mirelez




HALO-Flight touched down at West Campus on Feb. 14.

Students enrolled in DMC’s Medical Services program as well as the Corpus Christi Fire Department cadets were provided with a hands on approach to landing zone and safety procedures.

HALO-Flight Education Director Ryan Kelley taught students the dos and don’ts when it comes to working with helicopter transport during any life-saving situations.

“Hopefully they got a glimpse into the paramedical profession, flight paramedics and what they do, and what we do at HALO-Flight for the critically ill,” Kelley said.

Kelley spoke of how the profession is something that needs to be looked at as a long-term career.

According to Kelley, by the time he had decided to become a paramedical tech, finished training and gained all the experience he needed, it took about 10 years before he applied with HALO-Flight.

Kelley told anyone interested in the field to “stay motivated.”

“It just shows the range of employment opportunities with EMS and just the different things that you can do,” said Rudy Hernandez, emergency medical technician.

“It’s just another example of how our community is being served in different ways and different capacities. It’s a good resource to have in our region itself,” Hernandez said.

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