College life-hacks to get the most out of your semester.

Beginning of each semester, whether it’s your first time at college or returning student, we get this brand-new feeling. We tend to tell ourselves of the things we want to accomplish or the things we know we “should” be doing for this semester. Somewhere between the second and sixth week, our brains are scattered along with our notes for class and our social life may feel chaotic. I’ve learned a few things – from my own experiences, from morning inspirational audios, podcasts and just listening to other students’ conversations – and compiled a list that could help you this semester. Should you accept to follow these is up to you.

1. Master Time Management:

  • Use a digital calendar: Sync all your assignments, deadlines, and exam dates in one place (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, or Notion). Set reminders a few days in advance. It also helps to add in an extra 5 to 10 minutes to get a head start in case something comes up.
  • Time Blocking: Block out time for studying, classes, and breaks. This makes it easier to focus and prevents procrastination. It also helps for you to work on class assignments right after class ends while the information is still fresh in your mind.
  • Create a sleep schedule: Avoid all-nighters by planning ahead. Aim for 7-8 hours a night, even if it means saying “No” to extra social plans. Follow the 8 + 8 + 8 rule. Eight hours of school and study time. Eight hours with friends, family or a hobby. Eight hours of sleep and rest.
  • Power Naps: Short 20- to 30-minute naps can be incredibly refreshing and help improve focus and energy. There have been studies to prove naps work. This helps especially if you get the usual 7-8 hours of sleep per day.

2. Make the Most of Office Hours:

  • Meet your professors early: Visit your professors during office hours, even if you don’t have questions. It shows initiative and helps build a relationship. This also helps when “life” happens: most professors tend to assist once you’ve taken the time to speak to them, even for clarity on assignments.
  • Clarify expectations: Ask about grading policies, class participation, and what the professor expects in assignments. It helps to ask yourself, “What do I want to know about this course.” Carry a notebook with you. Make sure to label on the top the date and the course info along with the notes you want to make. Follow up with those questions.
  • Reach out to professors: If you’re struggling with material, don’t wait until it’s too late—email your professor or attend office hours. I can’t stress this enough, it helps to keep open communication with your professor. Despite their own schedule, everyone is always going through something called life. As long as you stay in communication with your professor through whatever stress you’re going through, it helps in the long run when you’re struggling. By then there is no reason to try to recap and explain your situation. 

3. Get to Know Your Classmates:

  • Form study groups: Not only will this help you stay on top of material, but it also creates a support system for tricky classes. It helps to get everyone’s number in case you miss a class or assignment especially if you didn’t get your book on time and they have a copy or take a photo of the chapter while your book is being ordered. P.S. be considerate of late hours before texting your classmates. 
  • Join class group chats: Many classes have WhatsApp or Discord groups where students share notes, reminders, and exam tips. The best part about WhatsApp is you can add and take yourself out of the chat. You don’t have to make another group chat.

4. Study Smart, Not Hard:

  • Active recall and spaced repetition: Use these proven study methods. Flashcards (like Anki) are great for reviewing material over time. It helps to write the material down, even if you don’t plan to use the information again. Repetition of seeing the word, especially if it’s a definition, helps to remember. This helps with my ADHD.
  • Study in short bursts: Use the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of studying, followed by a 5-minute break) to stay productive without burnout. I’d highly discourage going on social media because you often go down a rabbit hole that has nothing to do with your college assignments. 

5. Leverage Campus Resources:

  • Library and tutoring centers: If you’re struggling in a subject, take advantage of tutoring services or quiet spaces in the library for focused study time. If you look at your tuition payments, you already pay for all resources DMC has to offer, including the gym. If someone offered you a free membership, wouldn’t you take it? 
  • Mental health services: College is stressful. Don’t hesitate to use counseling services or mental health resources available on campus. The best part is all campuses have a location dedicated to assist students with any kinds of life issues. Remember, even therapists have therapists. 

6. Save Money with Student Discounts:

  • Sign up for student discounts: Many brands and services offer student pricing (Amazon Prime, Spotify, Apple, etc.). Check out websites like UNiDAYS (free to use) and Student Beans for additional discounts. This also includes free groceries at Valdar’s Market on Heritage campus.
  • Cook meals: Instead of eating out all the time, meal prep in bulk. Buying groceries and cooking can save you a lot of money, and it’s healthier. I know this can be time consuming. Once you get into the habit it’ll be second nature not to mention probably healthier. What better way to eat what you like and want rather than pay full price for a full meal in the cafeteria when you don’t like what’s part of the meal.

7. Stay Organized:

  • Note-taking apps to keep track of all deadlines: Use a notebook or digital app like Notion, Todoist, or Evernote to keep track of assignments, exams, and projects. It doesn’t hurt to set a deadline three days in advance in case there was a misunderstanding to the work. Nothing screams anxiety when you think you wrote an awesome paper only to find out it’s on a different topic. You may get points taken from your final grade or worse, a zero. Make it easier on yourself and set a deadline with enough space and time to really view your work. It helps to review the notes right after class. It helps sharpen the memory of the lectures.
  • Scanner apps: Apps like CamScanner or Microsoft Office Lens let you quickly scan and digitize notes, textbooks, and other documents.
  • Declutter regularly: Keep your desk and room organized. A clutter-free environment makes it easier to focus. I know some of you believe in organized chaos, but it truly helps to keep your area clutter-free. The more clutter-free your area is, bedroom included, the clearer your mind will be.

8. Manage Your Stress:

  • Exercise regularly: Whether it’s walking, jogging, or yoga, exercise helps reduce stress and boost mood. Remember, there is a free gym on campus with free Zumba and yoga classes available, not to mention a pool! It’s all included in your tuition … oh and did I mention – IT’S FREE! 
  • Take breaks: Give your brain a rest by stepping away from studying for short breaks—stretch, go for a walk, or chat with a friend. Try to stay off social media! As much info as it can give … nothing beats a clear mind with organic scenery.

9. Get Involved on Campus:

  • Join clubs early: Get involved in student organizations to make friends and network. It’s a great way to explore new interests and feel connected to your college community. This also helps with outside programs that you had no clue were available. Knowing others outside of class and friends can maybe help you get a part-time job or find a working car or a free bike. 
  • Attend campus events: Free concerts, movie nights, or guest lectures are great ways to have fun and learn outside the classroom. As long as it doesn’t interfere with your work, this is a perfect way to relax, even for the extroverts that hate being alone.

11. Take Care of Your Health:

Hydrate, eat well and dress accordingly: Make sure you’re drinking enough water and eating balanced meals to keep energy levels high. With Spring 2025 there will be hot, warm days and cool indoor temperatures in the class. Bring extra clothes to keep in your bag or your vehicle. 

12. Avoid Overloading Your Schedule:

  • Don’t overcommit: College life is busy. Make sure you have a balance between academics, social life, and self-care. It’s okay to say no to some things. If you can’t, you can’t. Don’t try to please everyone. This is your semester to finish on top and it’s up to you to carry yourself with a passing grade.
  • Start with 12-15 credits: Your first semester might be intense—taking a full 18-credit load can be overwhelming. Gradually increase as you get more comfortable. I would highly recommend looking at your professors rating scale among other students who have taken their classes. Don’t overload your schedule with English and math courses unless you know you can pass.

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