Local foundation inspiring hope

There were seven reported dog attacks on Del Mar College’s Heritage Campus last year. The founder of the Faith and Hope Foundation, Karen Cowan, hopes to take some of the city’s strays off of the streets and place them into good homes. “We take dogs off the euthanasia list as well as strays,” Cowan said. “As long as they have a foster, we vet them and socialize them and adopt them out to the Pacific Northwest and the East Coast.” When asked why those areas specifically, Cowan emphasized the recidivism rate amongst pet owners in Nueces County. “It’s like buying…

Salem’s Lot (2024): Mid on Max

In the day and age of studio tax write-offs, “Salem’s Lot” was lucky to see the light of day at all. Filmed five years ago, and sat on by Warner Brothers for a couple of years, the film adaptation of Stephen King’s1978 novel finally released on Max just in time for Halloween.  Fans of the book will tune in to see if it is a faithful adaptation, but as with most movies based on the written word, adaptation can prove to be tough. The film suffers from pacing and editing issues galore. The film’s director, Gary Dauberman, claims he had…

On Air Quality

Leaks and subsequent mold growth in rooms in the Fine Arts Center has for months gone untreated and led to the closure of areas meant to serve the students.In addition, the heating and air conditioning system meant to prevent such problems is nearly four decades old. John Strybos, Del Mar College vice president of facilities, said plans are in the works to replace the unit but doesn’t have a timeframe yet.“We have $2 million for deferred maintenance,” Strybos said. “I already have meetings with consultants to develop the plans to address these issues.”In recent years, the college has continued to…

Back in the game: First impression of ‘Deadlock’ beta

Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a gamer. Like most of you (I hope), I give up my favorite pastime during the semester, as I know that I will half-ass any and every responsibility in my life to chase the dopamine high that comes along with digital victory. In between assignments these days I find myself wishing I had time to return to my Philadelphia Flyers black and orange gaming chair, boot up my PC tower and feel the headphones hug my giant ears, the sweet melody of my clan yapping over each other in Discord,…

City’s strays are a problem on campus

Del Mar College has logged seven reported dog attacks so far in 2024. Four dog attacks were reported directly to the DMC Police while the other three were reported to Corpus Christi Animal Care Services. Of the four attacks reported to campus police, three injuries were reported including one DMC student, one Collegiate High School student and one community member on campus looking to file his taxes on campus. The fourth attack was on a DMC staff member, but the dogs snagged the staff’s pant leg with no injury.  Even though there hasn’t been an attack since February, Del Mar…

An early look inside the renovations to White Library

The Del Mar College White Library is edging closer to completion as crews work to finish in time for its tentative opening in Spring 2025. Cody Gregg, Dean of Learning Resources, has headed up the reconstruction of the White Library, and gave a tour to show off the progress made since construction began in early 2022. Most of the construction is finished, and workers are putting together furniture and laying out each room according to posted floor plans. Each floor has had an overhaul. The fifth floor has been redesigned to provide a 360-degree panoramic view of the city. Those…

Nueces County sees increase in STDS

With the new school year underway, new waves of young men and women have hit the Del Mar College walkways, eager to enjoy the college experience. Unfortunately for some, part of that experience is a painful one: sexually transmitted infections Employees of the Women’s and Men’s Health Services of the Coastal Bend have been setting up a kiosk in the Harvin Center with informational pamphlets, condoms, and more, hoping to educate students regarding sexual health, and stop the spread of STIs. Christina Bonner, Chief Operating Officer of WAMHS, encourages students to utilize the services offered by the clinics. “Most of…

Lights out at DMC lighthouse

On June 7 the Del Mar Lighthouse was demolished by Camacho Demolition, after having been donated by the late Dusty Durrill in 2007. Dusty Durrill started a foundation in the name of his daughter Devary, who was killed in October 1978 when her Ford Mustang II burst into flames when rear-ended. Durill filed a lawsuit against Ford, won, and started a trust in his daughter’s name with the settlement. It was through the Devary Durrill Foundation that he donated many of the sculptures and artwork that Corpus Christi is known for, including the Mirador de la Flor and Selena statue…

‘Alien: Romulus’ revitalizes stale market of franchises

“Alien: Romulus” is the canonically 7th movie in Ridley Scott’s Alien Franchise, written and directed by Fede Alvarez and produced by Scott.  Fans of the Alien franchise, of which I include myself, have been counting our chickens since Alvarez was announced to helm the picture – many fans of his Evil Dead remake as well as his original horror, “Don’t Breath”.  We believed in Alvarez’ horror pedigree, and had high hopes for the gore and terror he could bring to the always endangered employees of Weyland-Yutani. And boy did he deliver. Much like Remus and Romulus founded Rome to unite…

Student enrollment up from spring 2016

Bill Eaves beaves@foghornnews.com   More than 11,700 students registered for Del Mar College this spring, according to preliminary, uncertified reports. The 11,728 students enrolled this semester is a drop from the 11,973 certified in fall 2016, but a jump of 550 from spring 2016, according to college records. The figures include both full-time students and flex entry students, which are those taking short-week courses offered throughout the semester. Patricia Dominguez, dean of Outreach and Enrollment Services, said several factors led to the increase from spring 2016. “Employment opportunities are revving back up again … I think it’s slow going, but…