Corpus Christi Police Academy prepares cadets for the field

On Jan 28-29, the Corpus Christi Police Academy held training evaluations for their cadets at their new Oso Creek location, as well as on Del Mar College Oso Creek Campus. The scenario-based evaluations are supposed to simulate real life situations that officers must deal with in the field. Twenty-eight cadets from the 84th class tested their knowledge and instincts on what to do in these stressful situations. Cadets undergo about 1300 hours of training before they graduate. This evaluation puts together all that they have learned throughout the 34-week program. As cadets prepare to graduate in the coming weeks, Field…

The Texas 89th Legislature sets its priorities

The 89th Texas Legislature began its regular session Jan. 14. While the deadline to file new legislation is March 14, here are the priorities Texas lawmakers have set on changing the future of education in the state. The legislative session is scheduled to continue until June 2. Unlike the U.S. Congress, Texas Legislators only meet in regular sessions one every two years. The Republican Party still holds a majority in the Texas State Senate and the House of Representatives. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has clearly stated his priorities for this upcoming session, including school choice vouchers, fighting antisemitism on college…

Deadline for graduation applications is near

Planning on graduating this spring? The deadline to submit graduation packets is Wednesday, Feb 19. Students in their final semester of classes must apply for graduation, whether they plan to participate in commencement ceremonies or not a completed application must include an academic evaluation with original signature from your advisor. Do not submit a graduation packet if you have not completed the entirety of your necessary degree/certificate requirements. Students applying for multiple degrees/certificates must submit separate evaluations for each. Second-degree application must ensure the new degree differs from any previous ones by 20% of required semester hours. Incomplete applications will…

DEI-ban causes rising concerns for the future of Texas higher education

Higher educational institutions all over Texas have seen losses of personnel and student resources as a result of Texas Senate Bill 17. While Del Mar College has not been affected on a wide scale, the bill has sparked fear in some professors as to what legislators could go after next in the upcoming legislative session. SB17, which went into effect Jan. 1, 2024, bans colleges who receive state funding from having diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) offices as well as engaging in DEI training and hiring policies. The bills effect was felt on campuses across the state, but Del Mar…

Foghorn earns awards at national competition

Foghorn staff attended the National College Media Association/Associated Collegiate Press Convention in New Orleans. The event took place Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 and provided the opportunity for students to collaborate with other newspapers across the country, sharing experience and expertise.             The convention offered a wealth of speaker sessions, covering topics that challenged attendees to think creatively, act ethically, and work both logically and legally in the field of journalism. From discussions on investigative reporting techniques to workshops on multimedia storytelling, the sessions provided valuable insights for students to bring back to their newsrooms.             Student journalists also had…

Students come together to memorialize beloved campus cats

Some call him Jovi or Chaplin others may call him Kitler. But whatever name he answered to, the loss of the black-and-white cat has been felt all over campus. His body was found by Del Mar College staff on the morning of Sept. 23 next to the Harvin Center. His death is not the first, as two other cats were found dead on campus in recent weeks. That included the black cat commonly known as Panther, whose body was found the weekend of Sept. 14 and another unnamed gray-and-white cat in August. The cause of death for each cat was…

OER Grant awardee saves students over $200,000

With Open Educational Resources, higher education is not just more accessible—it has the potential to be more adaptable, inclusive, and engaging than ever before.According to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, an Open Educational Resource (OER) is a teaching, learning, or research resource that is in the public domain or has been released under an intellectual property license that permits the free use, adaptation, and redistribution of the resource by any person.OER’s could be the solution to the growing costs of higher education in the country. College tuition and fees have risen over 80% in the past 12 years, with…

Skyrocketing textbook prices are a cost to student equity

You are a student. You work hard to achieve the best grades possible in high school. You study and dedicate yourself to having a strong resume of grades and extracurriculars in order to gain admission to the college of your choosing. You get in! You pay thousands of dollars in order to attend this college and receive a higher education. You pay for all your materials, pencils, notebooks, laptops, transportation to and from. You get to class on your first day, and the required textbook has a price way beyond what you were expecting. You’re left with two options: continue…

“Inside Out 2” the importance of emotional intelligence

“Inside Out 2” continues its emotional exploration into the mind of young Riley, as she navigates the complexity of being a teenager. The film follows Riley as she and her friends take on a summer hockey camp before they enter their freshman year in high school. Puberty comes in overnight and puts Riley’s brain under construction – making room for some new emotions. Envy, Anxiety, Embarrassment, and Ennui come in and make themselves at home while the original emotions, Joy, Sadness, Disgust and Anger, struggle to adapt to their new roommates. We are taken on a wild ride through Riley’s…

DMC triumphs at 2024 TIPA conference

            On April 11-13, DMC students participated in the annual Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention held in San Marcos, Texas where 10 students participated in live contests to show off their journalism skills. The Foghorn staff brought home more than 45 different awards, including Overall Excellence for the Foghorn News website, and second place in Overall Newspaper Design. “Going back this year, I wanted to gain experience and challenge myself,” Lola Ponce, Associate Editor of Foghorn News, said about her experience as a second-time attendee.  The Texas Intercollegiate Press Association (TIPA) is the oldest state collegiate press association. It began with…