Movember prostate cancer awareness month

Movember, also known as Men’s Health Awareness Month, is an annual global campaign that encourages men to grow their mustaches (or MOs) and participate in various activities to raise awareness about men’s health issues starting from November 1st until November 30th. This month-long event focuses on promoting physical and mental well-being among men, addressing issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health challenges, and suicide prevention. Movember provides a platform for men all over the world to bravely speak about their health openly, seek support, and take proactive steps towards a healthier and happier life. It aims to challenge…

Veteran copes with PTSD through artistic creations

Former Marine encourages fellow vets to seek help if they’re struggling The dimly lit booth filled with an assortment of handcrafted wooden flags and crosses sits quietly in the middle of a bustling crowd of people at the Hollydays Market of the American Bank Center. While most venders attempt to sell their products to potential customers as soon as their wandering eyes hit their booth, Rick Pritchard sits alone in the corner of his.  Isolated from the crowd, and silent among the lively chatter that fills the market, Pritchard’s demeanor paints a picture of his past.  His eyes reveal the…

Taking control of your body and mind

There are instances when 24 hours is not enough. Between taking care of children, housework and meals, finding time to exercise can seem impossible. The path to a healthier lifestyle can feel daunting initially. Unfortunately, it is easy to let ourselves become weighed down in work and priorities, but with National Women’s Health and Fitness Day on Sept. 28 it is a good time to refocus on the importance of making healthier lifestyle choices. Many women put their health and fitness last on their to-do list. Each woman has her own idea of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and the…

Suicide Prevention Symposium offers support, resources

Del Mar will host its eight annual Suicide Prevention Symposium beginning tonight in the Harvin Center on Heritage Campus. Special guest speaker Gabe Alvarado will address the crowd during the first part of the event at 6 p.m. in the Retama Room. Alvarado, who lost his left arm and was burned over 60% of his body in an oil refinery explosion, will share the story about how he realized life was worth living again. Although the road to recovery was long, Alvarado has now created his own foundation in hopes of helping others who are dealing with thoughts of suicide.…

Dementia tour raises awareness

Nursing students host tour that allows others to feel what patients feel Understanding the challenges of those who have dementia was the goal for the Del Mar College Continuing Education Nursing Assistant students who held a Virtual Dementia Tour open to the public on Feb. 24 at the Harvin Student Center. According to Continuing Education Health Care Instructor Kathryn Garcia, the tour teaches the Continuing Education Nursing Assistant students to be more patient and understanding while working with dementia patients. “When I tried this tour out I figured it would be easy. But with the dim lights and sunglasses your…

Nursing students to hold dementia tour

Nursing assistant students in Del Mar’s continuing education program will help people experience what it is like to have dementia through the use of special goggles, shoes and headphones on Feb. 24. The virtual dementia tour was an annual event before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Donna Huddleston, lead nurse planner at the Center for Economic Development. Safety precautions have been implemented for its return this year, Huddleston said. “There are new changes with the tour due the pandemic as opposed to years in the past, which include special covers for the headset and altered tasks that can help people…

Get help managing stress

 Students can find ways to manage their holiday stress during an upcoming webinar hosted by the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education along with the DMC Counseling Center.  The webinar, Managing Stress for the Holidays and Beyond, will be streamed on Microsoft Teams from noon to 1 p.m. Dec. 8.  DMC Counselor Heather Garcia, the presenter for the event, said the COVID-19 pandemic still continues to add stress to everyone’s lives ahead of the holidays and with the new Omicron variant, even more concerns arise.  “There are so many things that we are going to have to deal with…

EMT students help vaccinate community members

Volunteers assist at clinics throughout county Del Mar College’s Emergency Medical Technician program has played a key role in helping Nueces County residents get vaccinated. Students in the program began assisting the Corpus Christi Fire Department in January with mass administrations of the vaccine. Since then, EMT students have assisted wherever they are needed. They have helped deliver vaccines to homebound seniors and assisted with vaccine clinics at Driscoll Children’s hospital. “At one point there were students vaccinating every day,” said Cooper Woodard, an EMT student and Corpus Christi Fire Department cadet. “The pace has slowed down to a couple…

Board passes resolution in honor of Gabe Rivas

Longtime regent died at 66 of COVID-19 complications Del Mar’s Board of Regents unanimously adopted a resolution to honor Gabe Rivas during their Aug. 11 meeting.  Rivas, the first vice chair of the board, died Aug. 5 from complications of COVID-19. He was 66. The resolution will be signed by the regents then given to Rivas’ family.  Each regent then took time to honor Rivas, a longtime community activist, and share their memories of him.  “When I look at this resolution, I see the number of years Gabe served with dedication,” Regent Susan Hutchinson said during the meeting, conducted over Zoom. “What I remark though,…