Lights out at DMC lighthouse

On June 7 the Del Mar Lighthouse was demolished by Camacho Demolition, after having been donated by the late Dusty Durrill in 2007. Dusty Durrill started a foundation in the name of his daughter Devary, who was killed in October 1978 when her Ford Mustang II burst into flames when rear-ended. Durill filed a lawsuit against Ford, won, and started a trust in his daughter’s name with the settlement. It was through the Devary Durrill Foundation that he donated many of the sculptures and artwork that Corpus Christi is known for, including the Mirador de la Flor and Selena statue…

Many library services move locations

As the new semester gets underway, Heritage Campus’ William F. White Library remains under construction. Resources for students are still available, just in different locations. Student IDs are available at both Heritage Campus and Windward Campus. IDs can be made at the Heritage Campus in the Harvin Student Center from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fridays. The Barth Learning Resources Center at Windward Campus also makes student IDs. Proof of registration and a state-issued ID card are required to obtain one. For more information on student IDs or to schedule…

Slabs and rods replace empty lot

Mia Estrada Construction for the General Academic and Music Building Phase 2 project has been well on its way, with a few unexpected delays. Electrical infrastructure issues were traced back to where the old English building used to be, which led to workers rerouting the infrastructure. “There were unforeseen underground conditions with piping for stormwater sanitary sewers, and electrical IT infrastructure,” said Michael Armbruster, project manager of Bartlett Cocke & Beecroft. English Professor Veronica Pantoja is excited for the building, especially because employees were asked to look at designs and give requests. “It sounds beautiful, especially for the indoor/outdoor…

East campus construction continues as planned after Hurricane Harvey

Completion expected in Spring 2019 With the General Academic and Music Building Phase 2 project well underway, English Professor Veronica Pantoja remembers her time in the old English building before it was demolished this summer. “I was a student worker in 1989 and I came back in 2009 and that building had a lot of memories to me,” she said. Pantoja viewed the English building as her home after spending most of her time there. Despite all this, she is excited to see the progress of the new building and how the final product will turn out. Construction of the…