Find out where your student fees are going towards

Sophia Montez

Every Del mar College student pats a $7 fee labeled “student activities” when they register. But many are unsure what that money goes toward.
Nestled in the corner of the Harvin Center is Student Leadership & Campus Life. The office handles campus events and activities of Del Mar College.
According to Beverly Cage, director of the office, the department offers students things from free Scantrons and encouragement them to get involved with campus governance through the Student Government Association.
“Our goal is to get students involved with campus life,” Cage said.
Cage said the fee pays for all events and activities that occur on the campus including intramural sports and free supply giveaways.
With over 30 clubs, the Student Leadership & Campus Life office can help students find a place to belong.
According to Cage, despite being a community college, Del Mar isn’t traditionally a place where many students get involved. Many students commute, take their classes and commute again.
“I want to help students change their mindset of this is a commuter school, you just go to class and come home,” Cage said.
Students are also encouraged to start their own clubs.
“If they can’t find a club they feel they fit into,” according to Cage, “there are forms in the office for them to register.”
Students cannot only approach SGA meetings with grievances on campus, but they can also run for office. The SGA recently tackled smoking on campus and with a majority vote banned it. Students can also sit in on meetings if only to see what issues are being addressed at meetings.
“We want to help you become a well-rounded student.” Cage said.
According to SGA Communications Officer John Beauford, the SGA has meetings once a month, 12:30- 1:30 p.m. Wednesdays, alternating between the East and West Campus. February’s meeting was at West Campus with the main topic being gun control. All their information can be found in their Facebook at DMC SGA.
The college also offers Viking Volunteer program, a program created by Cage for any student who wants to get involved. With over 100 opportunities between the fall and spring semesters, there are always agencies looking to recruit students for extra help.
“For me the importance of engagement and volunteerism and leadership skills, that’s not something that you’re going to get in the classroom.” Cage said.

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