Parking gets worse

Brittany Claramunt


Students may want to add comfortable shoes to their back-to-school list this year, as construction has resulted in several lost parking spaces and a fence stretching around the heart of East Campus.

Over the summer, the English Building was torn down to make way for the General Academic and Music Phase II building. The work resulted in more than 100 parking spaces being removed or blocked off in front of the Harvin Center and by the St. Clair Building.

While the project will make getting to class less convenient for some, the college plans to help by offering golf cart rides to students from the lots by the Venters and Garcia Science buildings.

“Each stop was selected to minimize the on-foot trekking while also enabling the drivers to reach south and north ends of the campus in an efficient manner,” said Rito Silva, vice president of Student Affairs.

Collegiate Students who get dropped off between the St. Clair Building and White Library will have to find a new area to get dropped off. Traffic will be redirected to behind the Physical Facilities Building so students can be dropped off along the Aquatic Center and on the side of the St. Clair Building.

Officials are advising students to arrive early for class.

“Give yourself plenty of time and be patient when finding parking and taking the golf cart or walking to your class,” said Lauren White, chief of security.

If you think it may be too much of a hassle to finding parking at a reasonable time, you can always take the Corpus Christi RTA, which is free for those who show their student ID.

“If students want to ride the bus to Del Mar all they need is to download the Viking Go app and in the features it will show the different maps and routes the buses take to get to Del Mar,” Silva said.

The project is expected to be complete by August 2019.

Art contributed by college relations

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