Debates limit America’s choices

For many outside of the political mainstream, election season can often be somewhat of a drag. From the sudden influx of political association that seems only to emerge from usually unconcerned peers during this time of the season, to the timeless primetime classics that are the presidential debates. Nothing affirms one’s dissatisfaction with the current form of political commercialism and spectacle than the celebration of the nation’s semi-democratic process that serves as what the presidential debate has become.

Editorial: One hundred percent should be priority

In what was perhaps his most well-articulated and clearly spoken oration to date, presidential candidate Mitt Romney recently captured the attention of media and the public at large after commenting that he didn’t need to be concerned with 47% of the American public. That concern emerged after Romney was caught on hidden camera during a private speech to a group of campaign donors Sept. 18. Romney’s comments triggered feelings of unease throughout America by disregarding a huge percentage of the voter base, and have since destabilized his campaign ground in several swing states.

You’re on a need to know basis

Daily we surf through sites on the web, flip the channel or open up the folded pages of the newspaper to learn about the parts of the world we are blinded to. As the recipient of the message we entrust ourselves into the hands of the reporters to deliver us accurate news that may impact our lives the very next day.

A woman’s choice to obtain birth control

Illustration by Danny Meza The current Republican candidates have the intention of repealing the health care reform law, which could make womens access to birth control expensive or impossible to receive. This plan is causing a religious fight over birth control when it’s more so a fight over womens rights. Birth control is an option that should be a choice to all women because it’s a personal choice. One argument is that birth control is denying children that are apart of “God’s will”.