‘Airness’ hooks viewers early on

Del Mar College’s Drama Department held five showings of “Airness: The Air Guitar Comedy” from April 7-15. A loud and proud comedic performance following Nina, played by Mia Dobbins, and a band of colorful and charismatic air guitarists, “Airness” is a show about pretend, but serious pretend. I had originally chosen to attend the Student Appreciation performance on April 13 after a somewhat long day of designing the newspaper with the Foghorn staff and getting it ready for print. Stressed, tired, and having just finished a rather nasty argument with a family member, by the time I had sat down…

Local trio produce, star in web series ‘Yikes’

“Yikes” is a comedy-drama web series created and set in Corpus Christi that premiered in October 2020. Roommates Ryan and Ricky get into unexpected situations while dealing with early adulthood turbulence. Their friend, Cris (whom they do not like very much), both helps and worsens these situations while also having his own side quests. The show features a heavy amount of what it is like to be a young adult. You learn to deal with things on your own. Phones complicate dating and dwelling on old pictures you should have deleted months ago is easier than ever. Your friends become…

Del Mar drama department to perform “Airness”, opening night April 7

For anyone who is a fan of air guitar, the upcoming production by the Del Mar Drama Department may be just what you are looking for. This spring, Del Mar Drama presents Chantal Marcantel’s air guitar comedy “Airness.” Directed by former Del Mar student Derek Rhein, the story follows Nina, an aspiring air guitarist, through her journey to become the next air guitar champion. Shortly after entering her first air guitar competition, she realizes winning may not be as easy as she thinks. She befriends some charismatic nerds who, just like her, are committed fully to becoming the next champion…

One hit wonder television: Coming of age, then gone in a season

Television shows create a long-term relationship between the audience and characters. They continue for years, showing the inner workings of the characters. The audience’s attachment to the show’s fantasy world becomes comforting and familiar. As the show progresses, viewers get to know their protagonist or antihero on a level that feels personal. Appreciation for a series doesn’t take long though. Afterall, the first season has to entice us enough to get us to keep watching. Many shows fail after the first season. They get canceled due to low ratings, likely from a boring or out-of-touch script. Sometimes, a great series…

‘Wrath of the Lich King’ set to return

Tens of thousands of players pack servers ahead of game’s Sept. 26 release Classic servers released in 2018 to allow players to experience older versions of “World of Warcraft” starting with the original 2005 release and progressing through the rest of the expansions with “Wrath of the Lich King” being their second.  Blizzard Entertainment is re-releasing the expansion “Wrath of the Lich King” (2008) for their hit MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) “World of Warcraft” to be playable on their Classic Servers on Sept. 26.  “Wrath of the Lich King” is free for any player with an active…