In the year 2000, Texas was blessed with a brand new governor, James Richard “Rick” Perry; at least Texas was blessed in his eyes. The real view is Texas got a cancer that has slowly been trying to kill it.
Perry first became governor after George W. Bush was elected to be President of the United States, two years before a real election was to be held. In this short amount of time Perry managed to set the record for most vetoes during a single legislative session with a staggering 82 vetoes. That was just the beginning of the rollercoaster now known as Rick Perry.
In 2007, Rick Perry attempted to force young girls to receive a shot protecting them from the human papilloma virus or HPV. Funny thing is he was also receiving campaign contributions from a company by the name of Merck, makers of the HPV vaccine. Needless to say, Texas Legislature quickly corrected the problem, passing a bill that canceled out the forced vaccine.
Just last year Perry tried to pass a bill that would allow concealed handguns to be carried onto college campuses. As anyone can guess this bill was met with a lot of opposition, but Perry was persistent in trying.
Texas budget is the next step. When Perry came into office Texas spending was around 49 billion dollars a year, now it has almost doubled to 90 billion a year. Contrary to what Perry has said in the past, under his administration taxes have increased several times over the years. Educational budgets have been massacred, especially in the area of higher education.
Following his recent shot at the presidential campaign, the country was exposed to Perry’s unique demeanor. Thanks to Perry the stereotype of Texans being slow in both movement and brainpower is most likely etched into everyone’s mind. Perry’s campaign resulted in several key moments such as his “oops” moment and the famous “Strong” video, showing his intolerance for gays and his love for religion.
On January 19, Perry did decide to drop out of the presidential race. Even when he decided to give up his run for president, Perry said he endorsed Newt Gingrich, but didn’t fail to mention that Gingrich was not perfect.
“Newt is not perfect, but who among us is,” said Perry, “The fact is, there is forgiveness for those who seek God. And I believe in the power of redemption, for it is a central tenet of my Christian faith.”
Currently everyone in Texas owes Perry a great big “thank you” for dropping out of the race. He has finally ceased to show the rest of the country just how stupid he really is. All Texas needs now is for Perry to resign as governor and we may be in a better place. Unfortunately Texas is not so lucky, Ray Sullivan, spokesperson for Perry, has said that Perry is not ruling out the 2016 presidential elections and the reelection in 2014 for governor.