Staying fit easy,
also can be fun
and rewarding
Carlos E. Gonzalez / Reporter

With the fall semester starting to come to an end, a lot of students are looking forward to getting their hands on some turkey, watching football and getting a break from school. Though some will be resting their minds, a lot will not be resting their bodies. Winter is the time when everyone will be getting in shape for spring.
No one is more ready than Del Mar College Intramurals Director Ryan Murphy, who is ending a successful semester of intramurals. This was only his second semester leading the program, but the students wouldn’t have noticed. Murphy brought in a lot of traditional and nontraditional games. Ranging from a one-day Pickle Ball tournament to a three-week 3-on-3 basketball tournament, students loved every minute of it.
Murphy doesn’t want the students to slack off during the break. He would like them to take what they learned from the fall semester and apply it to their outside lives. That way students can come into the spring semester and be ready for what he has in store for them.
“The best thing would be to keep the momentum going because once you stop, it’s really hard to get going again,” Murphy said about staying in shape over the break.
Murphy is really proud of the students who started with him in the beginning of the semester and stuck with it. He encourages a support system, such as working out with friends, and having a goal that you are working toward like some type of athletic event.
Murphy, along with the other intramural directors, has been tossing up a few ideas for spring such as having a 5-on-5 basketball league instead of 3-on-3, and hopes to have flag football in the spring but still is working out details such as where to hold it.
“In the past they would have it (flag football) out on the track, but it is kind of sketchy with the drain holes and concrete,” Murphy said.
Murphy focused on bringing in more single-day events this semester and trying different ideas to see what the students were into, but his goal for the spring semester is to have a different type of league every week.
Students have many ideas on how to stay in shape over the winter break.
“I plan on hitting the gym at least four times a week, but it so hard since I work full time and by the time I get out I’m too tired to do anything,” said Anthony Garza, a sophomore.
Freddie Reyna, a freshman, said he usually goes to the skate park at Cole Park for a few hours. Having no car and living on Alameda, he usually rides his bike back and forth to his destination. Biking is another way to stay in shape, is great cardio and gets you where you need to go.
Catherine Santos, a sophomore, started working out again this semester.
“I played in a kickball league,” she said. “It is not as easy as it sounds, but you do get a great cardio workout.” Santos, whose family has a history of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems, also plans to change her eating habits during the break.
Winter is approaching, and everyone is getting four weeks to relax and goof off. Just make sure that you also use that time to exercise your mind and body. You don’t have to join a gym, just take an hour out of your day and go for a walk or bike ride. And get your friends involved too — you never know, you could be their inspiration and lead them to a healthier lifestyle.