What are your plans for spring break?

Some students spend their break out of town, at the beach, volunteering,  playing video games, or the good ol’ fashion “I’m studying all week.” We’ve asked ten of our vikings what their plans are for spring break. Each student gave us their answer. 





Abel Cano


Abel Cano

“I’ll be volunteering during the break for the Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation and the Cancer center. I’ll be setting mammograms up for women over the age of 35 who have little to no income at the Cancer center and helping people at the CBWF to help round up people to get tested so that they know their status.”





Abigail Perez


      Abigail Perez

“I’ll mostly be working at the aquarium during the break, but I am planning to go to San Antonio and spend the day  there, and go to Ripley’s.”







Ben Reyes


Ben Reyes

“I’ll be spending my break playing video games like Genre, Beat em Ups, Moba, Strategy, and the Magic card game. My break will be indoors with friends.”







Jarod Fowler


    Jarod Fowler

“My wife and I were going to have some friends from Austin come down to visit.  My brother-in-law    lives in Port Aransas so we are going to be hanging out there to listen to music and have fun.”





Joshua Ramirez


Joshua Ramirez

“ I’m a lifeguard so I’m just going to be guarding everyone else who’s having fun.”





Katie Schneider


   Katie Schneider

“My family and I are going to Graceland, Tennessee during the break. It will be a lot of fun.”






Matthew Meza

Matthew Meza

“I’m studying all break for my history and government classes because I have two tests when break is over.”





Sirena Lopez

          Sirena Lopez

“I’m going to the beach with friends everyday and I’m going to go watch the new Cinderella movie.”






Tzaitzel De la Pena

Tzaitzel De la Pena

“I am going to be doing a lot of homework during the break and studying. If anything, I’ll probably go to the beach two days out of the break.”





Victoria Rodriguez2



    Victoria Rodriguez

“I’m going to Fredericksburg, and I’m going to a Chris Brown concert.”

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