The Collegiate High School Junior Politicians Organization is hosting a public forum that will feature chairpersons from the local Democratic, Green, Libertarian and Republican parties.
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According to Ben Falcon, Junior Politicians president and Collegiate High School student, the forum is being held to increase awareness of multi-party democracy.
“Our overall goal is to convey the importance of the multi-party system,” Falcon said. “We need to take advantage of our democratic right by being aware of the different parties that are in the United States. There’s multiple parties, yet most people can only name two.”
Each representative will discuss the views of their respective party and will participate in a Q&A with the audience.
“It’s important that we continue to engage civic-minded students so that they become active in the Democratic process,” said Democratic Party representative Joseph Ramirez. “I voted when I was 18 and haven’t stopped since. We need to get students started early so they continue their engagement into adulthood.”
Attendees will include Ramirez; Laura Palmer, who represents the Green Party; Michael Bergsma from the Republican Party; and Craig Cleveland from the Libertarian Party.
The event is free and open to the public. The forum will be held at 6 p.m. Oct. 22 in the Retama Room inside the Harvin Center.