Open house highlights student resources

Oso Creek Campus hosted their second annual open house on Oct. 31, to showcase all the available resources for students.

“We want students to know we are also Del Mar College and have resources available for you,” said Sara King, director of student engagement and retention at Oso Creek. She emphasized that the majority of resources for students available on Heritage Campus are also available on Oso Creek Campus.

Students visited various departments and offices on the campus following a map provided by the organizers, collecting information and candy along the way. The departments included Financial Aid, Student Enrollment and Engagement, Math Learning Center, Stone Writing Center, Veterans’ Office, Center for Advocacy and Access, Valdar’s Market, Counseling Center, and the library.

Oso Creek Campus fully opened in January 2023. The campus sits on 96 acres at the corner of Yorktown Boulevard and Rodd Field Road. The three buildings for students on campus are the Main Central Building, STEM Building and Culinary Arts Building.

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