Annual art exhibit showcases work at DMC

Del Mar College 28th Annual Student Art Association Exhibition Catarina Murphy @Cat_MMurphy Hard work pays off, and Gabriella Cantu is making the most of her payday. Cantu, a studio art student, was a recipient of the Art Scholarship offered by Del Mar College her senior year in high school. She was one of five local high school students awarded the scholarship. The award is based on student work turned in to DMC, and is then reviewed by faculty from the Art Department. Even in high school, Cantu knew she had potential. “I did design art for college competitions,” said Cantu,…

For some, love is in the hair

Catarina Murphy @Cat_MMurphy Getting a haircut, drastic or not, can be an emotional moment for some people. To a young child suffering from permanent hair loss, receiving a prosthetic wig from donated hair is emotional. On March 25, the cosmetology students and faculty held a Locks of Love donation event. Locks of Love is a public nonprofit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. They use donated hairpieces and resources to provide the children the highest quality hair prosthetic free…

Women’s History Month exhibit now on display

Catarina Murphy @Cat_MMurphy When Barbara Craig introduces students to lesser-known authors and poets in her women’s literature class, she does it for one main reason. “To open people’s eyes,” Craig said. Some of those students are celebrating Women’s History Month with an exhibit called “Trailblazing Women” Each student in the class had to choose a woman they felt deserved to be honored by their achievements in the display. Erin Cohen, an English major, chose Pat Mora, a Texas local Mexican-American literature writer who has published many works, including children’s and young adult stories. “I like her poetry. She definitely…

King Arthur and Camelot get a new twist in “Mists of Avalon”

Catarina Murphy @Cat_MMurphy The tale of King Arthur and Camelot has been told in books in many different versions, mainly through the eyes of King Arthur himself, and sometimes by the magical Merlin. But the story takes on a new and unique perspective in “The Mists of Avalon,” which tells the Arthurian legends through the woman’s point of view. The story is mostly told from the eyes of Morgaine, also known as Morgana and Morgan Le Fay. She is usually depicted as the evil sorceress who aids in the destruction of Camelot and King Arthur’s death, also known as…

Get hooked into the world of the “Dragon Age” saga: Review

Catarina Murphy @Cat_MMurphy “Roll 20 and you can open the locked chest.” Those are familiar words for anyone who has ever played Dungeons and Dragons, or any magical role playing game on console or with cards. These kinds of games are time consuming, equally in preparation and in actual gameplay. So, if you’re ready to dive into a game that has potential to consume your social life, I recommend “Dragon Age.” BioWare released its first game in 2009 with “Dragon Age: Origins,” a tale of violence, lust and betrayal from the beginning. You are a Grey Warden, one of…

“Her Fearful Symmetry” offers mystery and romance

Catarina Murphy @Cat_MMurphy   “Her Fearful Symmetry,” written by Audrey Niffenegger, author of “The Time Traveler’s Wife,” brings us another love story with uncertain circumstances, difficulties and, this time, ghosts. I picked up this book in an airport when I was stuck with a four-hour layover, and what particularly drew me first was that it was written by Niffenegger. I love alternative love stories that make you believe in almost anything, and that’s exactly the magic her books give to me. Niffenegger found her inspiration for the story by actively being a tour guide for the Highgate Cemetery. The…

Accomplished artist speaks at DMC

Catarina Murphy @Cat_MMurphy   Del Mar College’s Wolfe Recital Hall welcome guest speaker Carlos Llerena Aguirre on Feb. 2. Aguirre will serve as judge for this year’s 51’s annual National Drawing and Small Sculpture show. Aguirre has represented Peru and the U.S. with his woodcuts in several international shows. During the presentation, he told the auduence about the beginning of his roots and how he has come to this point in his life. Born around an area with volcanos and mountains, he began his art as a realist artist, drawing what he saw in front of him. He then…

With “The Magicians,” Harry Potter meets Narnia, but for adults

Catarina Murphy @Cat_MMurphy Ever wondered what would happen if Harry Potter went to college? While wizards are commnly associated with Harry Potter, the magic and science fiction genre extends far beyond. This magical story comes off as a mash-up between Harry Potter and Narnia, but more adult oriented because of some sexual nudity, offensive language and violence. “The Magicians” is a fantasy televison show adpated from the 2009 novel by Lev Grossman. It tells the story of Quentin Coldwater, a young man who discovers and attends a college of magic in New York. Grossman’s novel started as a dream about…

Society leads women away from science, tech fields

Technology continues to dominate much of our daily lives, and the job growth for the STEM fields — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — is predicted to rise. But where do the women fit in all this? Men have always dominated the STEM fields, and unfortunately, the numbers aren’t growing for women. Women received 29.6 percent of computer science B.A.’s in 1991, compared with just18.2 percent in 2010. Why aren’t more girls choosing to pursue careers in math and science? According to the National Center for Women and Information Technology, the problems start as early as grade school, when teachers and parents do…

Quak, quaki, quarr! Parakeets visit college

Migrating birds make a stop at Del Mar West Campus Students at Del Mar College’s West campus were met with a plethora of green monk parakeets hanging out in the trees in the parking lot early on Nov. 9. The birds have been spotted in previous years on their migration journey. The monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus), also know as the quaker parrot, is a small, bright-green parrot with greyish breast and greenish-yellow abdomen. These birds are often heard before even seen, as their call is a loud and throaty “quak quaki quarr,” hence the name quaker. They were first brought…