New scholarship to benefit students

Aj Benavides/Staff Writer


The Future forward (F²SP) Scholarship program is currently taking applications for the fall semester at Del Mar College. The scholarship program supports at least 88 majors in science fields such as Biotechnology, Electrical engineering, Geology, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, or Physics among others.

Scholarship recipients are eligible to receive up to 3,000 dollars per semester. The way the scholarship is written, 22 students are awarded per semester. There are currently about 50 applicants for the fall semester.

The students awarded the scholarship will sign a contract stating they will keep up their grades and submit a shot essay about how the scholarship will help them.

“It was written and designed to help students that are academically talented but have some need that was not met by financial aid,” said Dr. Laura Parr.

Dr. Parr is a counselor and freshmen seminar instructor at DMC as well as the project director for the scholarship.

“The goal is for students to cut back on work and focus on school,” said Parr.

The first scholarship was awarded in 1999 with the total amount supplied being 200,00 dollars in funds. This year the total amount is close to 600,00. 95 percent of the funds from the scholarship grant go directly to the students.

The other 5 percent goes into implementing a supplemental instruction program for students.

“Each time we receive the grant we try to add a new component,” said Parr. “Each time we apply for a new grant we try to learn from the old one and try to find where the most needs are.
The deadline for to apply for the (F²SP) Scholarship for the fall semester is Sept. 30.

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