New scholarship to benefit students

Aj Benavides/Staff Writer   The Future forward (F²SP) Scholarship program is currently taking applications for the fall semester at Del Mar College. The scholarship program supports at least 88 majors in science fields such as Biotechnology, Electrical engineering, Geology, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, or Physics among others. Scholarship recipients are eligible to receive up to 3,000 dollars per semester. The way the scholarship is written, 22 students are awarded per semester. There are currently about 50 applicants for the fall semester.

DMC facilitates an easy transfer

Eddie Puente/Associate Editor   On Tuesday 20, Del Mar College hosted Transfer Day at the Harvin Student Center. Over 40 universities were represented to help students make the transition from community college to a four-year university an easier process.  This event is held every fall semester in the hopes of encouraging students with plans to transfer to another school to begin the process before deadlines are missed. Sara J. King, Outreach Specialist at Del Mar College, offers “the first thing you want to do is contact the college or university you plan to transfer to and you need to speak…

Coming Home To Del Mar

  Kelsey Heatley/assistant managing editor Del Mar College presents their “Coming Home to Del Mar” fundraiser on October first with music legend Dionne Warwick at Richardson Performance hall. Dionne noticed her love for music during her childhood in New Jersey. She grew up singing in the church as a soloist and sang in a group called the Drinkard Singers, a group that consisted of her mother, aunts and uncles. “I come from a musical family and Whitney Houston is a cousin of mine. There are a few people in my family who are involved in music,” Warwick said. Warwick attended…

Lets analyze time

86,400 secs in a day. 24 hours a day. How do you spend them?  The bible says, (and this is my interpretation), you are supposed to tithe ten percent.  This is of all your wealth. Your time is your most valuable asset.  Jesus said “give of yourself ” and I believe that means “volunteer” and 10 % of your day is 2 hours & forty minutes.  Could you give up 2 hours of facebook time or TV time to “give of yourself?” What about 2 hours out of every week?  Could you then?  Even if you could, would you?  If…

Welcome to the Entertainment World as told by Me

The entertainment world  for  decades has helped us escape from reality, from the times of the foolish dancing jester to the visually stunning effects of motion pictures, 3D enhanced gaming, and the many upcoming music artists from the east to the west. In today’s society there is so many options of entertainment for us to thrive ourselves into that we become overwhelmed, like Augustus Gloop in the chocolate rivers of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. This is where I, Brittni Young your entertainment queen, will share with you what I believe to be the best and the worst of the amazing…