DMC’s Northwest Center continues to grow

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For many nontraditional students, Del Mar’s Northwest Center is an invaluable resource. Some take advantage of the center’s GED classes with bigger goals in mind.

Adrian Perez travels from Robstown to attend class to further his education.

“I would like to attend classes in order to certify myself in the heating and air conditioning eld,” Perez said.

Stephanie Mungia is taking the GED course and plans to continue her education at Del Mar.

“I have always worked in the fast-food industry and would like the opportunity to further my career. I would like to get a degree in physical therapy,” Mungia said.

Much of the recent growth at the Northwest Center can be attributed to Mario Flores, the program coordinator. Flores started his career two years ago in a small o ce with a desk in the corner. Today the desk has expanded all the way across the back wall and forms a U-turn around the entire space.

The office space is not the only sign of growth over the last two years. The Northwest Center itself has expanded its courses to the extent that every classroom is full and two community classes use additional space rented from the neighboring hospital.

Four new classes were added to the spring 2016 course offerings: GISC-1311-Intro to Geographic Info Systems, ECON 3201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ENGL 1302- Comp II and MATH 1324-Business & Social Sciences I.


The majority of the students are dual credit from surround- ing schools including Calallen, Odem, Taft, Robstown and Banquete,” Flores said. “The Northwest Center allows convenience, opportunity, and saves many of its students time and money. Its courses include continuing education, adult education (GED) and senior classes on PowerPoint. We are always pushing for more courses to be offered for the community in the Northwest Region of the Coastal Bend.”

For more information on the available courses offered at the Northwest Center visit www.del-

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