The Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) unveiled buses with Selena’s image April 18.
The two wrapped buses will ride around the city to promote the city’s largest annual event, Fiesta De La Flor.
“The idea came about on how to honor Selena because she was so proud of Corpus Christi, so I called Suzette Quintanilla to come up with the perfect design and within a few seconds she said yes, and that’s where it grew,”said Ray Hernandez, owner of Iconic Signs.
The buses will run through October. Selena’s legacy has brought in $13 million through the city’s annual festival, Fiesta de la Flor.
The bus will run through October and will also be featured in this year’s Buc Days Parade with lights and with the sound of Selena’s popular hits.
“It is amazing how the Quintanilla family, RTA, CVB and my team at Iconic Signs worked together in a short amount of time to put something together that is being noticed around the world to promote Corpus Christi and Selena’s legacy,” Hernandez said.
Not only will Selena’s iconic image ride around the city of Corpus Christi, over 15 RTA bus benches will be placed around the city as well.
“Every time Selena would do an interview she would always say she was from Corpus Christi,” said Suzette Quintanilla, sister of Selena. “She was very proud of her city. To have her image rolling around the city is going to be amazing.”
After 21 years, Selena’s legacy to this day makes an impact not only through music, but also economically by bringing in $13 million to the city from last year’s inaugural Fiesta de la Flor, Quintanilla said.The buses will also run during Fiesta de la Flor on May 6-7.
For more information about Fiesta de la Flor, visit