What do you hope will be included in the future southside campus?

We asked a few of our Vikings what they hope to see included in the future southside campus. These were their answers. “It would be nice if all the campuses worked together and had advisers for all kinds of classes. — Clayton Martin, undecided “I’d like to see an outdoor obstacle course in addition to the gym. I’ve seen very few campuses with some kind of obstacle course.” — Antony Lametrie, computer science “For students who don’t have enough money, Del Mar has financial aid. They should continue to do that.” — Akshani Patel, nursing “This campus feels like a…

Have you had issues dealing with Higher One or BankMobile?

We asked a few of our Vikings if they ever had problems dealing with Higher One or BankMobile. These were there answers. “Everything was routine, I’d make a withdrawal and they would give me emails and phone calls just to make sure everything was in order.” — Gurllermo Vela, biology “They overcharge you on things. If you want to use your debit card it charges you 50 cents to a dollar just to use it. And then to check my account anywhere off campus, it charges me 50 cents just to check it.” — Savion Deleon, computer networking “No I…

How do you feel about having a southside campus and why?

We asked a few of our Vikings how they about having a southside campus and these were their answers.   “That would be convenient. It would definitely help out with parking. It’s so crowded here.” — Sandra Gonzalez, psychology “I’m for it. That part of town needs to grow. They need quality employees with an educated background.” — Patrick Kelly, business administration “It would be good for getting more students. It makes sense to make more space at Del Mar.” — Aimee Hinojosa, digital media “If they’re going to expand, I’m down for it, but I haven’t looked up what…

Would you be likely to get involved if you witnessed someone being a victim of domestic violence?

We asked a few of our Vikings whether they would likely get involved if they witnessed someone being a victim of domestic violence. This is what they had to say. “If it’s in a public setting, I might. It just depends on what’s going on.” — Rebecca Cantu, public relations “If it is someone I know I would definitely get involved but all in all it just depends on the situation.” — Blake Schubert, digital media “I would because it is my duty as a fellow human being to help out when someone’s in trouble.” — Franco Arpulu, mechanical engineering…

Do you support the silent anthem protest in the NFL? Why or why not?

We asked a few vikings on how they feel about the recent protest in the NFL? Do they support the silent anthem protest? These are their answers. “That’s not right. I think people have literally died so that we can stand up and pledge allegiance to our flag and our country.” — Katie Pierce, English literature “I totally agree with him being able to do it but I think he’s dumb for doing it. It’s basically saying, ‘Man I don’t like this country.’” — Gabriel Garcia, sound recording tech “Some people are blowing it out of proportion, saying it’s racist…