Rushing into new relationships proves fatal

My ex-best friend, “Veronica,” was the type of girl who wanted to save herself for marriage. She grew up in a religious Hispanic household, so her mind was set on marrying someone from her ethnicity. During our high school years, she was in a relationship with a guy named “James.” They both went to separate high schools, with James being a year above her, but would see each other nearly every day. Her parents loved James because he grew up in a similar manner and treated her well. When James graduated, his interest for college was non-existent. Veronica had planned…

I Couldn’t Help But Wonder…

Long-distance relationships are so passé One of my friends has never been in a relationship with someone who lives here in town. We will call him “Eric.” He has dated guys here, but he hates how small the local gay community is. The chance of you talking to someone here who hasn’t dated half of the guys here is slim to none. The first few guys he dated just wanted to hook up and not pursue a relationship, which is what Eric wanted. He met his first boyfriend, “Ben,” about six years ago, but via social media. Specifically, Twitter. Ben…