Del Mar College NOW

Kelsey Heatley/Assistant Managing Editor


Del Mar College’s NOW, a special television production under the direction of 22-year DMC veteran Production Manager, Gerald Munoz, is entering its tenth year.

NOW’s programing includes information on community relations, education, and public service information.

“The general mission of the Del Mar NOW program is to promote the College to prospective or current students, and to the general public in the service area,” Munoz said.

The show is produced by the DMC-TV Department and includes staff of Del Mar College as well as student volunteers.

The program is dedicated to providing access and information about the College’s programs and many services through television. “ The idea is to reach the wide and diverse community that the college services, to project a positive image for Del Mar College,’ Munoz said.

Associate Professor of Speech Amy Jones hosts the show.

“ When I was in college I was a Radio/TV minor, so at first hosting the show was a way to do a little TV broadcasting,” Jones said.

Jones started the show eight years ago and during breaks Kim Frederick and Alan Clark hosted the show.

“ What I enjoy most about hosting the show is getting to meet so many people from all aspects of college operation, I always learn so much about what is going on campus,” Jones said.

The show recently spoke to Dr. Loyd Poplin, the recent winner of the Aileen Creighton award.

“This month we are talking about the new Mexican-American studies degree, and the Restaurant/Hospitality Management program,” Jones said.

One of the main purposes of the program is to showcase programs and activates at Del Mar to the general public.

“Watching the show will let you know what is going on at Del Mar College that you may want to be involved in,” Jones said.

DMC-TV also produces the DMC Upside and promotional videos for the institution.

DMC TV also captures DMC lectures, Music, Dance Ensembles, and Dance performances.

Del Mar NOW airs the first Thursday of each month and repeats Thursday, Friday and Saturdays on Time Warner and Grande at 6:30 PM. in Corpus Christi Texas.

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