Del Mar College Intramural’s will now have a permanent director for the Spring 2013 season and the following semester. Texas A&M graduate, Ryan Murphy received the Intramural director position weeks before the start of the semester, but Murphy is no stranger to the Del Mar campus.
“I have been with Del Mar as an adjunct instructor for the past three semesters and in that time have built a strong relationship with many within the Kinesiology Department,” said Murphy.
This past fall semester the previous intramural instructor, Cheri Heck, departed from the position with more than half of the intramural season left. Prince Macon would stand-in for the remainder of the season until the position was filled again.
Murphy has enjoyed Del Mar’s Kinesiology Department welcoming him to the position as intramural director and is very hopeful for the upcoming season.
“The position became available at the same time I finished my Master’s Degree, so I jumped on the opportunity. Fortunately, I was hired for the position and have been warmly welcomed by students and staff,” said Murphy.
The Intramural Season schedule will be arranged within the next week or two and will consist of many activities for all Del Mar students to participate in. Intramurals is an opportunity for students to get active and enjoy the gymnasium facilities aside from their daily class schedules.
“It is my responsibility, along with the Intramural Department, to offer activities throughout the semester that are enjoyable. Students and staff will have the opportunity to participate in a number of activities this semester,” said Murphy.
Within the past several intramural seasons, attendance in all activities has fluctuated. Some activities would see high attendance, and others would see the opposite along with more Del Mar Collegiate students than Del Mar College students. Murphy believes intramurals is a chance for students to meet others and meet new friends while also showing school pride.
“When these students look back on their college careers, participation in these kinds of activities will be the good memories they remember fondly. This is the case for me personally, as a few of my closest friendships were developed my first year playing intramural basketball,” said Murphy.
Two of Murphy’s important plans for the intramural season include variety and increased participation. The intramural schedule is still being constructed for the semester and once the schedule is finalized calendars and flyers for the activities will be posted and distributed throughout the Spring semester, Murphy said. A number of students on campus are unaware of Del Mar’s Intramural activities, therefore the advertising of all activities will entertain the option for students to come enjoy whichever festivity they may choose.
With a Bachelor in Kinesiology and Sports Studies, Masters in Exercise Physiology, and experience with the Del Mar Staff and students, Murphy is ready to give students a great intramural season this semester along with the help from other Del Mar organizations.
“I am looking forward to working with many organizations throughout the campus, such as the Foghorn newspaper journalists and the kind people in the Student Activity Center for a collaborative effort to draw in as many students and faculty as possible,” said Murphy.