Eddie Puente / Associate editor
This paper is on its last legs — at the end of this semester it will cease to exist. Or will it?
It has been said many times that print news is soon to go the way of the dinosaur, eight-tracks and the payphone. So why would anyone intentionally choose to sit through a news-writing class? The instructor is argumentative, demanding, and, believe it or not, very passionate about journalism. Del Mar is fortunate to have such a man leading future journalists through the steps necessary to share with the world the news of the day.
But shouldn’t he explain to students he advises that no one wants to read the newspaper anymore? No, he does talk about how technology has altered the method of news delivery but also explains how it is necessary for journalists to be creative and catch the readers’ attention when presenting news.
It takes guts to walk up to strangers and ask them questions about their lives. Even worse, to be assigned to write a story about a lawmaker or public official and have to step up and leave your fears at home. People who usually do this for a living have been doing this for years and make good money, and you as a student have to walk the walk and talk the talk just like a professional to complete your assignment.
Enough about having the cojones to do the job. It is a delicate balance on a razor’s edge that journalism students walk, devoting time to their classes as well as chasing down interviews with public and college officials and dealing with the constant rejections or stalling for information to complete stories.
Again, I ask why, why would someone put up with all that negativity? The rush. The feeling you get when you finish two weeks of research for your story and see it printed. The satisfaction of passing on information that could possibly help someone else who has no clue is a reason we do it. Nurses love to stick needles in people; journalists like to tell the public how that person felt when they were stuck with the needle.
Telling a story and entertaining and educating people is why journalists do what they do. I would like to give mad respect to Professor Extraordinaire Robert Muilenburg, for it has been him who has led us on this journey. Without his animated rants, his ’80s references (that only I understood) and his ability to spin any negative into a positive, the world would be a horrible place. Well, I am happy to say my experience with the Foghorn has improved my outlook on the future.
Having to work with an all-volunteer staff has put back my faith in the younger generations. These kiddos do have the desire to do things that don’t necessarily benefit themselves. They work hard and make mistakes but they bounce back and ask for more.
Next semester will see a big change in staff but I believe they will succeed with the help of the newest addition, Publications Assistant “Lord” Scott Beckett. His career in the newspaper industry will help pass so much knowledge on to the new staff.
I pray and hope that those of us who are moving on have only success after success in our future endeavors. Cody and Raul, thank you foremost for the friendship and all that you have taught this old dog, whether it was technically enhancing or politically enlightening, I wish you both the best in life.
So a grand farewell to the Foghorn on my behalf, with hopes that you all keep up the great work and have fun doing it. Hasta la vista, my friends.