Affleck gives what
may be his best
performance yet
Jonathan Garcia / Reporter
“Gone Girl,” the latest film directed by David Fincher, is an adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s best-selling novel. Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Tyler Perry and Neil Patrick Harris star in this hotly anticipated movie. Flynn also wrote the screenplay for the movie and many people were looking forward to seeing how the beloved book would translate on screen. The movie, whether you’ve read the book or not, is the most suspenseful and intense film to come out this year.
Nick Dunne (Affleck) and his wife, Amy (Pike), have been married for about five years and have been going through ups and downs in their marriage. One day when returning home on their fifth wedding anniversary Amy goes missing and Nick gets framed for her murder. Because of Nick’s awkward behavior he comes under fire from the media claiming he killed his wife, and he must try to find Amy and figure out exactly what happened to her.
The movie takes a bunch of twists and turns that keep the audience guessing and Fincher’s marketing strategy of not giving away any major details will surprise audiences when these twists come into play. Affleck gives a great performance — it could be his performance yet. Pike makes her presence known as she gives this her all and is the show stealer of the movie. But the one actor who takes the audience by surprise with his performance is Perry, who is usually known for his “Madea” movies. Here he plays a lawyer who is considered the best lawyer and the role fit him perfectly, allowing him to show his skills as an actor. The direction by Fincher is top notch and pulls his audience in with the twists and turns that may make people go in for repeated viewings of the movie.
“Gone Girl” is a very suspenseful, well-acted and well-directed film that makes it definitely worth checking out in theaters. It’s highly recommended you go see this movie as it is one of the movies of 2014 you definitely need to go out and see in theaters.