Business students compete at conference

Samantha Douty

Managing editor



Del Mar College business honors society students travelled to Little Rock, Arkansas, to compete at the National Leadership Conference on April 16-19, supported by the Del Mar Foundation, the Alpha Psi chapter of the Del Mar’s Alpha Beta Gamma, an international business honors society.
Janie Blankenship and Dr. Neetu Kaushik of the Department of Business Administration attended as sponsors.
Jose Ontivero, the local charter’s secretary, was elected to serve on the ABG National Executive Committee, and then was selected secretary of the executive board. Olga Gonzalez, vice president of the Del Mar ABG, was honored with the Eva Bobrow Memorial Medallion of Excellence Award.
Both students gave presentations about the “Impact of VITA on the Community’s Economy and on Student Learning.” The presentation provided information on obtaining grant funding for the VITA program, which is an income tax preparation service for low income taxpayers.
Salem Saoud competed for the vice president position. She gave a motivational campaign speech for the position.
Please congratulate these students who represented DMC so well.
For more information on the DMC business program contact Rebecca Chavez, chairwoman of Business Administration, at 361-698-1399 or

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