Career Center offers students early guidance

As a potential, new or current student at Del Mar College, choosing a major and a degree plan can be a daunting challenge.

The counselors at the Career Counseling office are eager to help students start and/or continue on the right path toward graduation.

“We have a lot of students graduating in December, so I want to make sure they are good to go, skills-wise,” Career Development Coordinator Vanessa Adkins said.

There are multiple resources provided by Del Mar for students to find out what they should major in. From the Career Resource center to the Career Kiosk, both located in the Harvin Student Center, “getting a degree plan is something that we greatly emphasize,” said Fred Barrientos, career counselor.

The Career Resource Center, in Room HC 127, provides a place for students to gain important information from the resources and workshops provided by the center.

Career Development CMYKContributed photo

Career Development coordinator Vanessa Adkins talks with Fred Barrientos (far right).

“I’m focusing on student outreach,” Adkins said. “I like to host a variety of different workshops for the students.”

The Career Kiosk, located by the Del Mar College Bookstore, offers a great career exploration tool called Focus 2. This online interactive self-guided career major and educational planning tool is meant to provide students with the material to find the career path that is suitable for them. It also gives students a chance to find out what types of majors are offered at Del Mar.

“Focus 2 offers a battery of assessments,” Barrientos said.

After students find out what major is applicable to them, they are encouraged to visit counselors Barrientos and Fernando Garza in the Career Counseling office in the St. Clair building, Room 116E.

“A majority of students that come to us, when they leave our office, they are very satisfied with what services they get from us,” Garza said. “I think we are being successful with providing information to the students.”

A majority of students who visit with Barrientos and Garza leave wondering why they hadn’t gone to them sooner.

“I only wish we could find a way to attract more students to come and take advantages of the services we provide” Garza said.

They hope to increase retention by offering students a free resource that they might not otherwise have known was here for them.

“When a student knows where they’re going and what degree they are after, then the course work becomes relevant,” Garza said. “They are more successful at completing the course work than not.”

Stressing this free resource to students who may not know what career path they are heading toward is their main goal.

“If you are unsure or if you don’t even know what your major has to offer, pay-wise, after you graduate, that’s what we’re here for,” Adkins said.

For more information about Career Development at Del Mar College, visit the Career Counseling office from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday in the St. Clair building, Room 116E, or call 698-1916.





East Campus

  •  Résumé Building 101

2-2:30 p.m. Oct. 12

Garcia Science, Room 202

  •  Hire a Viking

2-2:30 p.m. Oct. 12

Memorial Building, Room 119

  •  Interview Prep

2:30-3 p.m. Oct. 20

Garcia Science, Room 202

  •  Etiquette Luncheon

$5/student, must RSVP

noon-2 p.m. Oct. 21

Retama Room, Harvin Center

  •  Career Fair

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 3

Harvin Center


West Campus

  •  Resume Building 101

2-2:30 p.m. Oct. 5

Emerging Technology Building, Room 124A

  • Hire a Viking Workshop

1-1:30 p.m. Oct. 6

  • Emerging Technology, Room 124A
  • Etiquette luncheon

$5/student, must RSVP

noon-2 p.m. Oct. 13

Emerging Technology Building, Room 124A & B

  •  Interview Tips

10-10:30 a.m. Oct 19

Emerging Technology, Room 105

  •  Career Fair

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 4

Colman Center

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