Del Mar College was recently named Texas’ Best Community College for Workforce Training by Southern Business & Development for their series “The Best of Economic Development in the American South.” Among the contenders were Galveston College, Lone Star College – The Woodlands, and Tarrant County College – Fort Worth.
Corpus Christi as a whole received mention as part of the “Best Places in Texas to Hire Veterans” and “Best Locations for Exporting in Texas.”
DMC received its award by nomination from members of the Southern Economic Development Roundtable who were polled to come up with the best in 30 economic development categories in each Southern state.
To celebrate DMC’s achievement a public partnership recognition and celebration event will showcase the DMC Workforce and Occupational Program with demonstrations and displays at 5:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 5, at Center for Economic Development (3209 S. Staples Street).
DMC to celebrate workforce training award