It’s the first day back from a long summer break. For some, it is their first day of college. Many students may feel nervous, lost and confused and have a lot of questions.
The thing to know about the college life is that there is really not much to it. All you will expect to experience is a first, including getting a job to pay for tuition, textbooks, transportation and other bills. Relying on your parents for everything comes to an end. They would probably help you here and there because they love and support you, but most of the responsibility falls on you.
You might forget to feed yourself because of classes and assignments that require most of your time. Setting aside at least 15-30 minutes to eat something is crucial. Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated is also important.
Stay away from the coffee. One cup of coffee is enough but do not overdo it. Drinking too much coffee can result in an increase in anxiety and restlessness. An alternative for something to help stay focused is snacking on almonds, blueberries, avocados, bananas and other fruits, along with drinking lots of water.
There will be times when you may feel a little homesick and down because of the lack of entertainment. Set yourself a time to visit family and friends. Don’t work too hard. Taking care of yourself is also important, which is why setting a time here and there to let loose and have fun can help prevent depression and anxiety, as well as refreshing your brain for better focus. Of course, don’t make it an everyday thing to where it does distract you from school and other responsibilities.
Lastly, you will be exposed to many different personalities and make new friends. You might meet that special someone, and that’s OK. Remember, the sky is the limit. You have your whole life ahead of you. There will be times when things get a little complicated but don’t give up. Keep going and one day you’ll realize how far you have come when you land that job you have always dreamed of having.