All two- and four- year colleges in Texas must now offer a list of all courses that are not eligible to transfer
The requirement, part of Senate Bill 25, which was passed by the Legislature and recently signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott, aims to help students graduate sooner and with less debt, according to its sponsors.
Sen. Royce West, D-Dallas, and Rep. Chris Turner, D- Grand Prairie, said they believe that Senate Bill 25 will better align undergraduate coursework with degree requirements, as well as help eliminate inefficiencies in time and resources.
Alexandra Brennan, 23-year-old, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi transfer student, has suffered greatly from transferring institutions.
“Transferring was an extremely stressful process,” Brannan said.
Brennan, who has transferred in state and out of state, said she lost 18 credit hours, leaving her to retake six classes. She has also attended West Virginia University, Delaware County Community College and Del Mar College.
“I never received a straight answer as to why my credits didn’t follow me. I spent over $6,000 retaking classes,” Brennan said.
The “intent of the bill is so that the students should be receiving appropriate college advising so that the courses they are taking are transferable to a degree and/ or university,” said Patricia Benavides-Dominguez, dean of Student Outreach and Enrollment Services.
Benavides-Dominguez said the bill will also affect dual credit students. Dual credit students must have a decided major as well as 15 hours of college credit.
To find out what classes are transferable, speak to an academic adviser.