A new parody book written by Faye Kanouse and illustrated by Amy Zhing, “If You Give a Pig the White House,” has become the No. 1 best seller on Amazon since it was released at the beginning of October.
The book is an adult version of the children’s cautionary tale “If You Give a Pig a Pancake,” showing just what can happen when “a greedy anti-hero tracks his hooves all over America,” according to the synopsis on the book.
The book is no doubt about our current president, Donald Trump, and is vividly seen throughout the illustrations and the storyline.
The actions of the pig are parallel to those of Trump, from him throwing fits because things are not going his way, calling news fake if it does not side with him and even moments of “locker room talk.”
The book is available on many sources including Amazon, Walmart and, most controversially, the children’s section of bookstores such as Barnes and Noble.
Many people are taking to the internet over their discontent with the book’s content and the idea that it can be found in the children’s section.
There are 240 reviews of the book on goodreads.com, with more than half of them giving the book a one-star rating. May readers are angry because of the “lies and disguised ignorance” about the president.
Yet, in fact, all the events in this book, or a version of them, have occurred while Trump has been president.
To say the book is spreading lies or misinformation is simply false. Everything uncovered in the book could easily be seen by a Google search of our current president.
As for me, the book was downright hilarious and accurate. Many people see the president for what he is and not what they want him to be. This book, to me, effectively portrays how I see Trump.
The book is pure entertainment and does not in an way defame the president — he has done that all on his own.
I think that this type of book has every right to be sold in-store, and be put in the children’s section. There are a number of books that can be found on historical figures/events that are much more controversial than this lighthearted book. (See: the “Who Is..” series and the “I Survived…” series). Overall, it is a book that is not being forced for a child to read and should ultimately be up to the parents to allow.
I do not consider it appropriate to have this book in the children’s section. I do not consider that it benefits them in their cognitive and social development. There are plenty of books written for children created to soar their imaginations in an educational way.