“Jason Bourne,” a film directed by Paul Greengrass, is a by-the-number action movie that is certainly entertaining but falls short when it comes to an engaging plot. It released in theaters on July 29.
Ten years after Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) exposed Operation Blackbriar he has isolated himself away from the eyes of the CIA. However, when information is revealed about his initial recruitment and his father’s role in the program, Bourne will stop at nothing to find the truth behind the mystery. With CIA Director Robert Dewey, (Tommy Lee Jones), the head of CIA cyber ops Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander), and The Asset (Vincent Cassel) working to bring Bourne down, he will have to find every advantage he can to outsmart them and uncover the truth.
When it comes to edge-of-your-seat action sequences, “Jason Bourne” delivers. With great choreography in the fight sequences and driving sequences, there is not a moment in this movie that feels boring. In regards to plot, there isn’t very much there. The plot jumps all around the world from one action setpiece to another. Individuals who are proficient in computers will also find it difficult to suspend their disbelief in regards to the way hacking works in the movie.
“Jason Bourne” is a very entertaining movie if one is in it for the action. Individuals looking for a thrilling action movie to watch should go see this film. If plot is what one is looking for, however, they should look elsewhere and wait for the movie to be available for rent.