Del Mar plans
KEDT studio
and FEMA dome
By Joshua Johnson-White / Reporter
Adding to the recent buzz of the East Campus renovation of the Fine Arts music building, Del Mar College has several upcoming projects in the works.
Charles Miller, superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, recently discussed two new facilities. At the West Campus, Del Mar is constructing a FEMA dome, while its Center for Economic Development is laying out a KEDT studio sometime in the near future.
Del Mar officials have negotiated a contract with local firm Dykema Architects Inc. to produce new offices and space. All of these installments will be added to the Del Mar Center for Economic Development, associated with the South Texas Public Broadcasting System, at the corner of Kostoryz Road and Staples Street. The $4.8 million studio has increased its square footage by 5,000 feet. The original designs had been previously determined about three years ago before going in a new direction. If there are no more delays, the KEDT studio is set to open in July 2015.
The construction of West Campus’ dome was originally the outcome of a Federal Emergency Management Agency application submitted by Del Mar College in 2012. Kelly White, director of Environmental, Health and Safety Risk Management, said the FEMA grant enables Del Mar College to work with the city of Corpus Christi. Receiving one of 30 domes located along the Gulf Coast, the design of the dome is from the similar, prototype structure in the Woodsboro Independent School Department, which uses it as a gymnasium.
The bids for the new development are coming in from engineering and architectural firms to construct the dome. Safety procedures leave contractors a blueprint to be used as a shelter by creating a withstanding exterior and a comforting interior for hurricane-like storms. The shelter could be used for about two days during a natural disaster. Officials said the safety dome is a good investment and a great contribution to the college.