As a college student, it can be challenging to stay on a budget when you have basic bills such as rent, food, books and tuition. However, that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style for savings.
In college, people start to be more mature and realize they don’t have much money and it’s a smart idea to cut on cost.
Whether you are looking for something trendy or just for the current season, resale shops are a reasonable way to find fashionable items.
“Our average client is college students and people in high school,” said Gabby Perez, who works at Closet Moderno. “You can find items here from 70 to 90 percent off original retail value. The prices here are pretty low. We have American Jeans for $15 to $20 as opposed to American Eagle store that cost $40 to $60.
Photos by Anastasia Talarantas/Foghorn file
Shoppers hunt for bargains at Closet Moderno (above) and Threads (below). Resale shops offer designer clothes at friendly prices.
Most resale shops such as Plato’s Closet and Closet Moderno are well organized and stocked with well-kept items.
“The way we prepare items for resale is about $50 to $70 off the regular retail value, maybe even more depending on the brand,” said Janie Mendoza, with Plato’s Closet. “If it’s a $40 jacket in stores you will find it for $14 or $15 here in the store.”
While some may think it’s tacky to shop at resale shops, others don’t mind buying used clothes in good condition by reworking them and making them their own.
For college students who prefer name brand clothing, it is not uncommon for resale shops. From high-end fashion designer clothes to accessories, you can simply put an outfit together with your own style creating a unique look.
“We are open to everything when we purchase items and we try to keep up with the trend as far as style and we offer layaway,” Perez said.
Reselling is one of the easiest ways to earn money and resale shops are not only just for buying clothing. You can also turn around and sell items directly from your closet without having a garage sale.