Looking sharp for back to school

Del Mar Cosmetology offers free haircuts for local youths

Kids going back to school are often under pressure to look sharp, sporting new clothes and cool hairstyles, all of which can be costly. With this in mind, Del Mar cosmetology students stepped in with a solution that could benefit everyone.

Isabella Castillo waits patiently as one of the cosmetology students gives her the layers she wants so that she can match her big sister.

They offered children in kindergarten through 12th grade free haircuts Aug. 15-18 in the Flato Building on West Campus.

“It’s to help the kids,” said Kimberly Carrera, a cosmetology student. “Plus it gives us the privilege to learn. They’ve helped me a lot here.”

The haircuts were exciting for kids, who know firsthand the importance of a fresh look.

“I hadn’t had a haircut in four months,” Kalib Fassett said. “I’ve had girls texting me, but they say my hair’s too long. It’s nasty. After, you look better and feel good.”

Kalib Fassett shows off his new look after getting his free haircut by the cosmetology students before he heads to school the following week. (Photos by Adriana King/Foghorn)

No one can deny the positive effects of getting a haircut, and the buzz and happiness of the welcome change is even more present for children.

“Doing something different is exciting and so is getting to show everyone after,” said Isabella Castillo, who bounced in her seat, ready to get layers just like her big sister.

The cosmetology department hopes to make this an annual event.

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