Rilwan Sanusi / Reporter
With the 100-Mile Challenge in full swing, Intramurals director Ryan Murphy is excited about the number of participants in the challenge. While fewer than 50 took part in the challenge last semester, 36 people have signed up so far for this year’s event, with several weeks left before the Dec. 3 deadline.
“The 100-Mile Challenge is an appealing program due to motivating students to reach their goals,” Murphy said. “It keeps them moving beyond their limit and forms a catalyst that leads to a healthier and fitter lifestyle.”
Murphy encouraged participants to turn in their log sheets every two weeks to keep track of their well-being.
“There are added challenges such as bi-weekly awards to the top performers and a department-versus-department portion to make people become aware of the challenges that await them,” Murphy said.
Murphy said the growing participation in the event and with intramurals as a whole likely will help spur others to join. He encourages participants to keep moving forward and never to look back as their try to meet their fitness goals.
Paul Ackerman and Laura Vasquez, who have both completed the 100-Mile Challenge, are leading the event. But the door is still wide open for challengers who hope to become champion. To participate in the challenge, stop by the Intramurals Office in the gym on East Campus.