After an entire week at the beach for some and late-night shenanigans for many others, Spring Break has come to an end. A delicious vitamin boost and detoxication beverage may be a good idea right now, unlike a few not-so-good ideas you may or may not have made over Spring Break. I offer you a simple and tasty five-ingredient Post Spring Break Smoothie. This glass of yumminess includes pineapple, avocado, spinach, honey and H2O. Every one of these ingredients benefits the body.
It takes only one cup of pineapple to fill your body with 100 percent of the daily recommended intake vitamins and minerals. Pineapple is the only known source of the enzyme bromelain. This specific enzyme possesses many natural properties; one of them is a detoxication. Adding frozen pineapple to smoothies magically sweetens the green ingredients.
Although spinach offers a pleasant taste on its own to any smoothie, it has a significant amount of vegetable-based nutrition. Combining any citrus ingredient in a smoothie (like pineapple) with raw spinach increases the body’s ability to absorb the benefits of this leafy green, such as iron and vitamin C.
Avocados contain vitamin C as well as more potassium than bananas. They may be high in fat, but it’s a “good” fat. A lot of vegetables contain “fat soluble,” which is needed to be paired with a fat (the avocado) to use all of its offered nutrients. The avocado dramatically increases the nutrient level in other veggies that are in the mix. The avocado is the amplifier and the other veggies are the instruments.
Honey plays its own harmonious chord by being one of the oldest sweeteners on Earth and is a powerhouse of health benefits. It contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals from iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. These are beneficial to the body, eyes and skin. It is antibacterial, aids in inflammation and is great for relief of seasonal allergies. Honey is known to be a wonderful energy booster.
Plain and accessible H20 is also an energy booster. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water will help increase energy and fight off fatigue.
Now put these five ingredients together for the perfect amped-up smoothie and get ready for summertime.
11⁄2 cups water
2 avocados
11⁄2 cup spinach
2 cups frozen pineapple chunks 2 tablespoons honey
1. Place water, spinach and avocados in
blender and blend
2. Add in pineapple and blend until smooth
3. Add in honey and blend
*Blend liquid, soft, frozen sequence for smoothest results
4. Pour and Enjoy!
Use coconut water in place of water
Yields: 2
Cost: $2.14 per serving