DMC wins big at national conference

Being a student is old news for Del Mar College’s John Ramirez. He has a master’s degree in counseling and had been working in mental health when he decided to do more. “There are times you hit a wall and you are limited in the scope of what you can do,” Ramirez said. “As a therapist I realized that very quickly and basically wanted to try and continue my work and help more people and the best way I figured I could do that was to be a doctor. “ Ramirez plans on specializing in the research side of virology,…

DACA offers help for undocumented

The stress and daily struggle of college can become over- whelming, and for some the struggle begins before they step foot into the classroom. Programs such as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, give undocumented immigrants the capability to even step into a classroom. DACA is an immigration policy that allows undocumented immigrants who enter the United States under the age of 16 and before June 2007 to receive a two-year work permit and exemption from deportation. This policy allows students such as Jared Ramiro to enroll in college. “I was born in Mexico, my parents found jobs here,…

Workforce Development Center to expand West Campus

Del Mar College’s West Campus is looking to get a new addition, the new Workforce Development Center, after the Board of Regents at its April 12 meeting approved a motion for the administration to continue with the project. The building will be located next to the Flato Technology Building facing Airport Road. The transportation, advanced welding, corporate training and process technology programs will be featured in the Workforce Development Center. “We will still have the other welding area,” said Mark Escamilla, DMC president. “This welding portion is for advanced welding.” Turner, Ramirez & Associates Inc. created the schematic design. They…

Regents approve to censure Watts

Del Mar Board of Regents, Dist 4 – Guy Watts In a unanimous decision the Del Mar College Board of Regents approve the proposed resolution of censure of Regent Guy Watts after an investigation found Watts acted unethically. Watts was not present for the vote. The board voted to approve the investigation of Watts during the Feb. 9 meeting. Independent investigator Cobby Caputo found sufficient evidence that Watts had violated six bylaws. “This is a very serious item,” board chairman Trey McCampbell said. “A censure is the highest thing we can do under our bylaws.” The regents decided to look…

What goes up, must come down?

Student Aaron Estrada had to remain calm as an elevator technician worked to free him. “Can the doors cut me in half?” Estrada asked as the doors were cracked open on the third floor of the White Library. The elevator was stuck between the third and fourth floors of the library on Del Mar College’s East Campus on March 23, with Estrada alone inside. “At first I was rattled,” Estrada said. “I couldn’t believe it was happening. In that situation you just have to be relaxed and stay cool.” Estrada was trapped in the elevator for approximately 45 minutes. During…

Regents prepare a resolution of censure against Watts

The Del Mar College Board of Regents voted 8-0 to prepare a resolution of censure against regent Guy Watts during a special called meeting March 22. Watts was not present for the meeting. The board voted to approve the investigation into Watts’ ethical practices during its Feb. 9 meeting. Independent investigator Cobby Caputo was present for the called meeting to report his findings. Caputo investigated Watts to determine if he had violated provisions to the Board of Regents Bylaws. There were six bylaws that Caputo found sufficient evidence Watts has violated. “I went back to October of 2014 to last…

Public gives input on the Southside Campus

Members of the community were encouraged to share their opinions on the proposed Southside Campus on March 24 during a public engagement meeting. Many asked questions regarding parking spaces, the classes being offered at the location and the financial status of the project. “We want this to be a pedestrian-friendly campus,” said Alan Coyler, design director for the architecture firm Gensler. “Phase one of the project will have 5,000 surface parking spaces.” Samantha Douty/Foghorn Alan Coyler, design director for the architecture firm Gensler, showcases his team’s design for the proposed Southside Campus to members of the public during the March…

Board of Regents censure Guy Watts

The Del Mar College Board of Regents voted 8-0 to prepare a resolution of censure against regent Guy Watts during a special called meeting March 22. Watts was not present for the meeting. The board voted to approve the investigation into Watts’ ethical practices during its Feb. 9 meeting. Independent investigator Cobby Caputo was present for the called meeting to report his findings. Caputo investigated Watts to determine if he had violated provisions to the Board of Regents Bylaws. There were six bylaws that Caputo found sufficient evidence Watts has violated. “I went back to October of 2014 to last…

Regents hear Southside update, discuss parking issue

The Board of Regents continued poring over Southside Campus plans as they looked at the latest renderings presented by the architecture company Gensler at a workshop on March 8. The new campus, which will be located on the corner of Rodd Field Road and Yorktown Boulevard, will be completed in a three-phase process. The first phase will include the main building on campus, the culinary school, the community center and some surface parking. The first parking garage will be built during Phase 2 of the process. Gensler Architecture Once completed, the campus will be able to serve 20,000 students and…

Students, president talk over pizza

Technology, security, parking and health were among the topics of discussion during Pizza with the President on Feb. 24. “Technology is very important for class work and communication between students and professors,” DMC President Mark Escamilla said. About 100 students stopped by the Retama Room in the Harvin Center to interact with Escamilla. “What you are preparing for here may not be relevant when you get out of college,” Escamilla said. “What we are doing is getting you ready for that change.” Samantha Douty/Foghorn Student John Finnegan asks President Mark Escamilla if a parking garage with shower facilities would be…