Cayce Berryman
The Department of Nurse Education held a meeting on April 7 in the Solomon Coles Building on East Campus to explain the application processes and requirements for entry into the nursing program.
“This is kind of a new thing we’ve been doing, providing information to students like this. It’s a lot of information for students. Having an opportunity like this to go over that information is helpful,” said Katherine Runde, the AV lab assistant for the DMC nursing program.
Runde explained the process of taking the HESI, a test required before admission to the program. To pass the HESI, according to Runde, students must earn a 76 or higher in the following: reading comprehension, vocabulary, math, anatomy, physiology and grammar. Students have four chances to pass the HESI, and are only required to re-take the subjects failed in the previous session. After Sept. 1, the count resets, and students have to re-take the HESI again if they didn’t pass within the year. The next HESI is April 21, but the test is offered year-round.
Sally Davidson Edsill, a 68-year-old student at DMC, is considering applying to the program.
“I’m a two-time cancer survivor. Consequently, I decided to go back to school. My dream is to do hospice nursing and be there for the families. It’s a joy to meet so many wonderful people,” Davidson Edsill said.
When applying for the nursing program, all transcripts are required to be sent to Nursing CAS. The transcript request is located on the DMC website, and can be printed and sent to all previously attended colleges, including DMC. Vaccinations for chicken pox and Hepatitis B are necessary before applying. Additional requirements can be located on the website, or answered by Runde.
Applications for the program open June 1 and close Aug. 31 for spring 2016. Students typically receive notice of their admission closer to two months after application, according to Runde.
Veyra Ramos, a DMC student who attended the nursing session, said: “I’m just trying to figure out if it’s all going to add up. I’m hoping it goes smoothly. I have everything I need. I just need my GPA.”
To sign up for the HESI test and learn more about the requirements before applying to the program, contact Runde at 698-2863 or look up more information on the DMC nursing website,