Meagan Falcon
Web editor
Preschoolers registered at the Del Mar College Morris L. Lichtenstein Jr. Center for Early Learning got a lesson in making healthy smoothies with Chef David “Dave” Nuss, culinary and yoga instructor with the Corpus Christi Food Bank, on April 15 on East Campus.
The activity was part of the Center for Early Learning’s observance of National Week of the Young Child. The Week of the Young Child focuses public attention on the needs of young children and their families. This year’s celebration was April 12-18 and recognized that the early childhood years lay the foundation for children’s success in school and later life.

“Del Mar College has joined local early childhood schools and organizations in celebrating the Week of the Young Child through activities planned here at our onsite child care and early education demonstration school, including our youngsters learning how to select and make healthy snacks,” said Center Director Pamela Wilder. “We … want to remind our community about our collective responsibility to ensure that young children and their families receive our support so that all children have opportunities to develop their talents and become full, contributing members of our society.”
The Making Healthy Snack Choices with Chef Dave activity taught preschoolers about the choices they can make for healthy eating.