DMC intramural flag football kick off

Flag_Football_1C. Robert Gonzalez/Foghorn

Clay on the Free Agents dives to catch the football. The tournament will be continuing through Dec. 2. This will be the last intramural event until next semester.

While Del Mar College employees showed off their flag football skills at the Viking Bowl on Nov. 20, DMC students also have been tak- ing part in a flag football tournament of their own.

The intramural flag football league has been going on here at Del Mar, and it seems to have been the most competitive of the intramural sports this semester. The league began on Nov. 16 and will come to an end with the champi- onship game taking place at 4 p.m. Dec. 2 on the field near the East Campus gym.

The season started with nine teams playing in a regular season, and four advancing to the playoffs.


 C. Robert Gonzalez/Foghorn

Donnel Gray, receiver for the Free Agents, catches a pass for a first down.


Samantha Douty/Foghorn

Jose Gutierrez, on the Free Agents, reaches to catch the foot- ball out of bounds, while a member of the Carlos N. Max team rips off the flag.


C.Robert Gonzalez/Foghorn

Donnel Gray pulls against the defender to gain the extra yards for his team, the Free Agents.

 Flag_football_3C.Robert Gonzalez/Foghorn

Robert Pierce, from the Free Agents, intercepts the football from Squad receiver J.P. Ruth.


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